Confused about Mum’s front temporal dementia diagnosis as symptoms don’t tally ?


New member
Dec 26, 2022
90yo mum diagnosed with FTD a couple of weeks back. For prob 10+ years we could see that her memory was deteriorating, she was resorting to a one of a number of ‘set question banks’ when in conversation and the interval between these banks was getting shorter, and personal neglect. However, in the last couple of years we have seen her have a few hallucinations. In the last year she’s also become paranoid ie we’re trying to poison her when giving her her meds, we are trying to kill her etc. I know I shouldn’t have used google but with FTD it talks about inappropriate behaviours, disinhibition, loss of vocabulary and speech, reduced empathy, amongst various other symptoms none of which we are seeing in her. She is frequently distressed and when she phones me (often) during the day and depending on her mood, is able to articulate that she is lonely and knows that there is something wrong with her but she is still able to show empathy for example. (Btw she has suffered on depression and anxiety all her adult life and has taken meds for that.)
The scan did show that the white matter in her brain has severely deteriorated and she has practically no short term memory recall.
I’m kicking myself that I could not go to the ‘disclosure appointment’ but father and brother were in attendance. Father could not remember the appointment (denial?) and brother would not share the outcome!
Should I accept this particular type of dementia diagnosis? Does it really matter on a day to day care basis for her? Thank you.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Well first of all hello and welcome from me and I'm sure us all on here.
I know I've asked this before and please don't be offended but would a different diagnosis actually change anything?
My wife was diagnosed with mixed, atypical, early onset Alzheimer's, it was bad, I had to pack our youngest at 16 years old to live with his big sister 150 miles away.
If you got a different diagnosis for mum would anything change?
I have a view every medication they tried with my wife and none of them changed a thing, she was on an early trial for Aricept, now called Donepezil for all the good that did.
I cared for wife and mum and both together, all 3 of us having at some point in our careers been NHS nurses, they may work for some but they didn't do anything other than possibly slow it down a bit, but I don't have a clone to do a controlled test.
As I say I do apologise if that all sounds so negative but would a different diagnosis change anything in your and her life. K

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