Completion of monitoring forms from council

father ted

Registered User
Mum has been in care home for 2.5 years prior to that she lived with me.
Mum self funded for the first 20 months but after that I applied to council for funding which was approved. At the time they asked to view all Mum’s savings, pension etc . I submitted all the documents they asked for.
At the time of applying for funding I stressed that Mum’s money would run out in the August of that year but having read on here how long people had to wait to get it sorted I applied early just before the Christmas to my amazement they sorted all out quickly and started to fund from the Feb. I did ask why they funded when her money had not run out yet but they said their guidelines and protocols said that if funding was appropriate they had to fund within 12 weeks of the original application.

In short now I have received the monitoring forms and Mum’s money is a couple of thousand over the 23,500. I was so confused with all the paperwork from the council I just worked it out as best I could, I paid the tptu and would withdraw Mum’s contribution monthly contribution when I remembered but not on a regular basis and if she needed clothing or toiletries I paid for that myself as I felt the sums weren’t huge and were manageable for me. I also thought as they had all the paperwork initially they wouldn’t need to see it again as she only has her pension and one savings account.
Has anyone else been in this situation, would the council suspend payments because her money is over and as it’s over because I have not taken out her contributions regularly would it look like a DOA if I just withdrew what I am owed for the contributions and for the clothing I have no receipts now anyway.
Many thanks


Registered User
Have you bought a funeral plan for your mum? You could buy one to reduce funds?

I certainly did this for my late wife, when she had first been assessed as needing nursing home care. I actually emailed her LA caseworker, who was dealing with the care needs assessment, checking that it was okay to purchase a funeral plan. She agreed that using her assets to buy a plan was not a DOA.

The subsequent LA's financial assessment went smoothly (she ended up just below the upper threshold by then) and I was asked to provide a copy of the plan as supporting evidence of expenditure. Sadly we got to use the plan earlier than I had hoped.