Cognitive memory impairment


New member
Jan 26, 2024
Good morning
My name is Rafiki 5380. I was diagnosed with cognitive memory impairment last year. It was all very stressful, as my doctors kept saying it was menopausal, brain fog. Any way I was sent to a menopause specialist, which she even said there was more to my memory then just brain fog. She wrote to my doctors to suggest brain scans, but my doctor refused. So this took some fight and letters letters of complaints. I had both scans MRI, Cat Scan but nothing showed up, but a diagnosis of cognitive memory impairment. I have done stupid things like leave cooker on and go out, look myself out, leave dog in park, lots of things.
I had the Alzheimer’s people out to do assessments, which was very helpful. Waiting to be housed in a lower flat, over 55 . The worst thing about this is I have never felt so along in this. I am only 56 yet there are no groups for my age to speak with . I only have 2 girls which they have there own life’s and jobs etc, no other family.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @RAFIKI 5380

I’m so sorry to read about your situation. At such a young age too. I’m really glad you’ve found this forum and I hope that posting here will help you to feel less alone. There’s an area of the forum for younger people with dementia. You might find it useful to have a look at that. You might feel you’d like to contribute there or join in some of the discussions -