Client financial services to go for order of the court??


Registered User
Apr 24, 2014
Hi all,
Firstly I am new to this and completely in a lost world with this as most of us are when faced with this situation.

I have an 87 year old mum who 10 weeks ago fell from bed shattering her left phema and left wrist, after having operations on both injuries and spending 6 weeks in hospital she has now been moved to a CH of the LAs choice, I have also been told by the consultant that she will never be weight bearing again due to austioperosis and has also been diagnosed with dementia with the social care teams assessments showing she is also not capable of making her own decisions. She has been assessed by the continuing health board and told she doesn't meet the criteria for them to fund etc.
I have told the social care team that I wont sign any contracts with the nursing home as she has savings way below the lower threshold of £12500, they are saying that in this position client financial services will apply for order of the court so they can legally sign the contract themselves.

My question is will they actually do this and if so how will this affect things etc.


Registered User
Apr 23, 2014

Yes they can do this. This would mean they are in control of the finances (and may charge a small, annual fee). You may want to consider applying to become deputy yourself.
