CHC in Scotland - can anyone explain the changes that took place in June 2015 Help!!


Registered User
Oct 15, 2015
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help regarding the criteria for CHC in Scotland. I have read the other threads on CHC in England and Wales and have also watched the very informative video posted by Stanleypj.

Anyway, I felt optimistic as I would hope my mum, with AD, would get two priorities under behaviour and cognition. So being in Scotland, thought I should make sure the criteria was the same. It was but now isn't. It has changed in June 2015. Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care - previously known as NHS Continuing Healthcare.
Am I correct in thinking it has been totally scrapped to new applicants?

Sorry, really confused.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
"Am I correct in thinking it has been totally scrapped to new applicants? "

CHC has been scrapped but those already receiving it can continue to do so subject to reviews.

It has been replaced by Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care.

A major change is that formal check lists have been discontinued.

19. This guidance is issued with effect from 1 June 2015. The Scottish
Government will monitor the use of this guidance.
20. This guidance is applicable equally to individuals of all ages with any illness or
21. The eligibility/entitlement has now been simplified and will be down to one
primary question, "can this individual's care needs be properly met in any
setting other than a hospital?"
22. The response to the eligibility question will be decided by the responsible
consultant or equivalent specialist informed by the Multi-Disciplinary Team. This will
be crucial in establishing the best place for an individual patient to have their clinical
healthcare needs met. All options should be considered and the outcome of the
process explained to the individual, their family and carer.

Page 5


Registered User
Oct 15, 2015
Hello Nitram
Thanks for your reply. I saw those links and have read through them. Thank you.
I'm still confused. Does it mean that you now only receive care in a hospital? The old NHS CHC at home is scrapped?
I called the Alz Scotland national helpline this morning to ask. Disappointed to be told that they didn't even know of the change that took place in June 2015.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
"Does it mean that you now only receive care in a hospital? The old NHS CHC at home is scrapped?"

Reading proposals that may not all have been implemented, yes CHC is no more.

You have to distinguish between care and medical needs to see whether the NHS will fund when not in hospital (last two paragraphs second link)

The Scottish Government has backed proposals that will see NHS continuing healthcare restricted to patients receiving care in hospitals.

The change will see continuing healthcare renamed hospital-based complex clinical care and bring an end to the NHS covering all the costs of patients placed in private nursing homes under the system.

New eligibility question
Assessment for long-term complex clinical care will now be based around a single eligibility question:

'Can the individual’s care needs be properly met in any setting other than a hospital?'

If, following a full assessment, the answer to this question is 'Yes' then the person will be discharged from NHS care to a suitable community setting – home with support, a care home or supported accommodation.

At this point the local authority's charging policies will apply, and the individual may have to contribute towards the cost of their care. The local authority will carry out a financial assessment, to work out how much someone needs to contribute towards care costs. Find out more by visiting Care Information Scotland's Financial assessment pages.

NHS Boards will remain responsible for meeting any medical needs after discharge from hospital.

"I called the Alz Scotland national helpline this morning to ask. Disappointed to be told that they didn't even know of the change that took place in June 2015."

I hope you asked them to do some fact finding research and report back pronto.

Above info repeated in document dated 12th Aug 2015 - after Act was implemented.
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Registered User
Mar 31, 2016
Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care

My dad who has advanced dementia and heart problems, is about to be discharged after a 4 week stay in hospital. His health/social care needs will be accessed under the new Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care process. Has anyone been through this process?
I anticipate a gruelling fight and it would be nice to know what to expect!



Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
I found this thread via nitram's very helpful link on the CHS support thread. I feel very sorry that people in Scotland with obvious health needs are being treated in this way. There is apparently a suspicion that a similar change might take place in England so I'm hoping people in Scotland will post about how it's working out there.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
Thanks Spiro but he link is not working. It needs editing as it has 2 'http' thingies! TP, unhelpfully I think, has one up there already when you post a link. Should be easy to edit.