Changing places

Jeanie 73

Registered User
Apr 20, 2013
N Lincolnshire
I don’t know if there will be any consolation in this for many, but I have PCA and it hurts me too know that I can no longer help my Daughter solve any problems she may have. Over the last few months there have been quite a few times that I have had too say I’m sorry,but I can’t take that in or please don’t add so much detail it confuses me.
I can’t be the mum I was our roles are reversed, but I know that she has got stronger and more able too sort many of those problems herself now plus found people who can help her.
Similar applies to my son who has had a prolonged time in taking over a business he once managed I have been unable to help or advise, but I know he too has grown in confidence.
Our children are still our children even when grown up!❤️❤️❤️


Registered User
May 27, 2016
Yes, they are always. I am so sorry for your situation. It is always hard to seem to reverse roles, yet part of us is still Mum.


Volunteer Moderator
May 9, 2012
south-east London
Your son and daughter are strong and resourceful because you raised them to be so. It is hard to face the current changes in your life, of course - but know, and have faith, that they stand strong now because of your example and guidance down the years :)


Registered User
May 12, 2018
Yes, you have done a fantastic job in raising your lovely kids. Wishing you love and luck on your journey x

Jeanie 73

Registered User
Apr 20, 2013
N Lincolnshire
Many thanks everyone, oddly i do realise now that they are both stronger and don’t feel as bad about when I go.
I am 78 years old and do realise that many would not still be here at my age,but as a family we are quite long lifers! My dad was 98 and my mother 86 despite heart problems.
So long as I still know them all I will endeavour to still be here.❤️❤️❤️


Registered User
May 27, 2016
You are courageous, I hope everything turns out better than you can envision. ❤️