

Registered User
Nov 12, 2011

My wife has had MS for 18 years. Stay with me, there's a reason for talking about MS. She recently had an angioplasty to correct narrowing in her jugular veins and azygos vein, dubbed CCSVI. Dr Zamboni, an Italian doctor, claims that this narrowing of the veins is the cause of MS.

During a doppler scan, to check for the narrowing, one of the doctors told us that he had also scanned people with Motor Neurone, Alzheimers, and Parkinsons, and they too had the same narrowing of the jugular veins.

The theory is that this narrowing is stopping the blood from flowing back out of the brain properly which is causing a build up of iron on the brain which in turn is causing the MS.

Wondered if anyone had heard this before and if anyone with Alzheimers has indeed had a doppler scan to see if they had the narrowing?


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Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello Andy and welcome to Talking Point.

I have googled this and found a few interesting sites that mention doppler tests/treatment for MS.

My husband had a doppler test prior to diagnosis - this was following a stroke and in fact he was diagnosed then with Mixed Dementia, which is both Vascular and Alzheimers.

You will see I have removed the website link at the bottom of your post. Fundraising Threads should go into the Fundraising section if it is for the Alzheimer's Society or in the Tearoom for other fundraising efforts. However if you should wish to do this then you should check our Terms and Conditions carefully.

Best wishes


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello Andy:
No I don't think they did but maybe limited because he has a pacemaker. Also was not necessary as it was soon determined that he had a stroke and he was put on warfarin for a short time.