carers involvement in a hospital setting


Registered User
Sep 23, 2003
where can I find information that allows carers to actively continue to give care to their partners whilst being in hospital for a long period of time.
Some relatives would like to be able to bath, dress, feed and continue to provide quality care that was a normal part of both their lives.
Husbands and wives often want privacy to be alone with their loved ones. Policies and procedures in hospitals are often very broad, they do not want to discuss shared care and this can be detrimental to a persons rights.


Registered User
May 28, 2003
Hi Val
I think you will find that any guidance is very broad, but that staff have great discretion within their ward as to how you may be able to spend more quality time with your loved one.
I guess alot of the guidelines would depend on what type of hospital the cared for person is staying on. if it is a general ward then the following info sheet from the society may help you
If it is a psychiatric hospital/ward then you should find that the recomendations on such policies are not so enforced by the staff, as they are more than aware that patients relatives want to and can help tremendously with the care of their loved one.
Either way, ask the ward manager what assistance they will except from you in the care of your loved one.
Hope thats a start for you and if you require any further clarification then please mail back