Carers and medication


New member
Nov 28, 2023
Hello, my first time posting since my 90 year old Mum was diagnosed with dementia about a year ago. As well as dementia she also has a long standing nerve pain condition for which she takes several meds. She takes about 6 tablets 3 times a day.
I and my brother, with help from a good friend fill her pill boxes up - I live 2 hours away, my brother about an hour.
There have been occasions recently when she has forgotten her meds or for muddled but she hasn’t ever taken too many.
Mum has carers twice a day morning and early evening. The care company will not have anything to do with her meds for reasons I can understand to some degree.
All we want is for the carers to notice what the situation is with her meds and maybe ask her if she has them. They don’t even want to do that.
We can’t get a blister pack from the chemist as they are too busy. Looking into online pharmacies.
My question is does anyone have any experience of this and any suggestions? Apologies for the ramble and thank you. Judi

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
I can't understand why the carers won't give, or supervise the taking of, medication. It's a standard part of a care package.

I would look for another care company.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
I agree with @Violet Jane , the carers should be able to administer medication and if they can’t/wont, look elsewhere.


New member
Nov 28, 2023
Thank you! It’s because we make up boxes for Mum which has a strip for every day and they can’t verify where the drugs have come from. They will give her the meds if they take the pills out of the various packets but Mum isn’t keen on that as she’s so used to having her little boxes. I should have been clearer, sorry.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Could they use a bit of sleight of hand , where by they put the meds in the box and present them to her? I know care calls can be short but I’m sure any company worth its salt will have been in this situation before and have methods of managing this. Also re pharmacy being too busy… maybe look for a different one? Finally you can get boxes with reminders alarms on, would that help her ( my mum was very agains this idea so ionosphere it’s not for everyone.)


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I've just asked my GP surgery about the dossette box. They told me to contact a particular pharmacy that does them . Apparently not all pharmacies do them


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Our care agency will supervise blister packs but not dosette boxes. Pharmacy near to us do not do blister packs, but one further afield does. This does not suit us as Mum is on and off antibiotics and the pharmacy would be able to tweak meds as rapidly as needed. We have rescue pack respiratory meds for COPD.

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
Ah, I can see where the carers are coming from now. They don’t know what tablets are being given. I think that you will have to leave the tablets in the boxes if you want the carers to deal with medication.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I seem to remember there was a certain "unwillingness" at the pharmacy counter when I asked about a dosette box, but when the pharmacist saw Aricept, (Donepezil) and all the rest on the prescription it was "no problem".
Our GP just sent a repeat prescription when it was due direct to the pharmacy all I had to do was collect them although they did free delivery too.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Ah, I can see where the carers are coming from now. They don’t know what tablets are being given. I think that you will have to leave the tablets in the boxes if you want the carers to deal with medication.
In dealing with a care company for my Mum, as you say @Violet Jane , they were happy to give Mum meds from the boxes they were supplied in, but not from made up boxes. . I hope this helps @Bennell

Melles Belles

Registered User
Jul 4, 2017
South east
Pharmacies are often reluctant to offer rosette boxed because filling them is very time consuming and they may not have enough staff to cover this.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Thank you! It’s because we make up boxes for Mum which has a strip for every day and they can’t verify where the drugs have come from. They will give her the meds if they take the pills out of the various packets but Mum isn’t keen on that as she’s so used to having her little boxes. I should have been clearer, sorry.
i was going to say that made up boxes they probably wont touch. it needs to have her name and chemist sticker which is checked and signed by them. there is also a page that lists the tablets and a description of them. my husband and i both have them. if the carers did it your way, they cant verify what they are giving her[could be anything from vitamins to poisons and they wouldnt know]. they are accountable for all their care so they cant give without prescription or labels including her name. a checker also initials that they checked the trays so they have no-one checking the trays.