Carers and caregivers advise - care for a person with dementia


New member
Dec 25, 2023

Dementia Care at Home:

The Dementia Care Support Guide is designed to improve the quality of dementia care at home or in their own home. It equips you with comprehensive dementia care guidance, effective techniques, and necessary procedures to ensure a smooth transition throughout your caregiving journey. Caring for dementia patients in their own home may be both rewarding and challenging, and it is important to approach it with empathy, understanding, and expertise. In this comprehensive dementia care support guide, we will provide you with expert tips and strategies for offering holistic support to individuals living with dementia. Additionally, our aim is to provide valuable knowledge and low-cost solutions to promote independence and well-being.
www. dementiacaresupportguide. com


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Yes, loose the word "dementia" OK so Alzheimer's is not too nice either, maybe it's just me but dementia is just so much more harsh, AZ isn't nice but who can happily describe themselves as demented.
Just a thought.