Care Home Over Charging Fees


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
Hello Everyone.

My mum is a self funder and has been in the same care home for 2 years and 4 months. During this time, on about six occasions, we have been sent an incorrect invoice by the company who run the care home - not just for a small amount, but for several thousand pounds each time. The most recent invoice covered 2 months of fees and the total due was over £4,000 above what it should be. Until a few months ago, mum was paying her fees monthly by Direct Debit, but I cancelled this and now pay the fees by BACS. Before I cancelled the DD, I had to fight tooth and nail to recuperate over paid fees - my phone messages were not returned, emails were not answered and sometimes they refused to acknowledge that the invoice was incorrect (I was always able to prove that it was). It has been very stressful. Since I cancelled the DD, I simply refuse to pay until they send me a correct invoice.

My concern is that if mum did not have me looking out for her (she lacks capacity and I'm her LPOA), she would have been fleeced for thousands of pounds. Now, I've no doubt that we're not the only ones being treated in this appalling manner, and I'm wondering how many unsuspecting residents who lack capacity and have no advocate are being ripped off by this care company.

Is this normal? Has anyone else come across this before?

As some of you have perhaps noticed from my other posts, we're having a really rough time at the moment, and I don't think I have the energy to pursue this. But, if I did have the energy, who should I approach - the police, CQC......?

Thank you.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
What are the errors, incorrect weekly rate or incidental extras?

You could set up a standing order for the weekly fee, tell them you have done this and ask for a detailed monthly invoice for extras.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
What are the errors, incorrect weekly rate or incidental extras?

You could set up a standing order for the weekly fee, tell them you have done this and ask for a detailed monthly invoice for extras.
Thank you @nitram the errors are incorrect weekly rate. There are no incidental extras. The only extra mum has is an occasional visit by a chiropodist who is paid cash from mum's petty cash.

Thank you for the advice, but I'll continue to pay by BACS which will give me the upper hand by witholding payment until I'm in receipt of a correct invoice.

The gist of my post is that I'm concerned that this is happening to other vulnerable residents, and it's overlooked because they have no-one to advocate for them. Being the suspicious cynic that I am, I smell a rat and suspect a racket. It has happened too many times to be a coincidence, and for huge amounts of money. Mum would be out of pocket to the tune of at least £10,000 had I not spotted the 'errors'.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Are they a member of a group?
If so present your evidence to the head office.

Whether in a group or not tell the CQC again with evidence.
They may not take immediate action but they should investigate financial management at the next inspection, you may not remain anonymous.

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