Car insurance ...


New member
Jan 13, 2023
Hi there,

I look after my Mum's affairs since she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. When my Mum had her driving licence removed I decided to keep her car and insure it in her name so that we can add her care(s) as named drivers on her policy. The insurer knows it in her name only for this purpose, as she doesn't drive any more.

It took me ages to find an insurer (One Sure Insurance) who would get an underwriter to cover her (and her named carers) for a reasonable cost as many insurers wanted a ridiculous amount. We have however recently been so poorly treated by this company I am looking to find another insurer.

I know its a slightly different situation so wondered a) if anyone has been through this and has any suggestions on other ways around this problem and b) if anyone knows a good insurer for this type of situation. Thanks in advance..


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @tobyR and welcome to Dementia Talking Point. The situation you describe is not one I have come across although it may not be that unusual for a person to own a car without themselves being able (or allowed) to drive. I can quite see how insurance might be harder to find and be more costly.

I can't help you directly, but hopefully others amongst our supportive and helpful members might be able to.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hello @tobyR . I have been in this situation as have kept mum’s car as more practical than mine to drive her around in.
I found the same when trying to insure - many blankly refused. Thanks to the advice on here and going through a broker we ended up with the solution that mum retains ownership of the car including costs of wear / tear etc but I am now the registered keeper. This has made it easier to insure but still more expensive than my own insurance. We are paying around £500.
An unexpected hidden cost of disability I felt!!


New member
Jan 13, 2023
Hi @tobyR and welcome to Dementia Talking Point. The situation you describe is not one I have come across although it may not be that unusual for a person to own a car without themselves being able (or allowed) to drive. I can quite see how insurance might be harder to find and be more costly.

I can't help you directly, but hopefully others amongst our supportive and helpful members might be able to.
Thanks for taking the time to write, I too hope there's a member who has some ideas as the experience is somewhat frustrating when all we are trying to do is help those we care for.


New member
Jan 13, 2023
Hello @tobyR . I have been in this situation as have kept mum’s car as more practical than mine to drive her around in.
I found the same when trying to insure - many blankly refused. Thanks to the advice on here and going through a broker we ended up with the solution that mum retains ownership of the car including costs of wear / tear etc but I am now the registered keeper. This has made it easier to insure but still more expensive than my own insurance. We are paying around £500.
An unexpected hidden cost of disability I felt!!
Hiya, thanks for your info on how you have approached this for your Mum. Does your Mum have the insraunce in her name? The issue I have is that if I insure the vehicle and my Mums Carer's then use it, any accident will count against me, which is a risk I'm trying to avoid. Thanks again.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
No, the insurance is in my name. The companies refused to put It in her name as she is no longer driving. I’m not sure of a way round this.