Can my mother in law be evicted?


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Social services introduced the befriender person to my mother in law, presumably someone who worked in social care but now that budgets are squeezed has been made redundant.
I'm not happy with people's jobs being made redundant then the same individuals being re-employed as self employed to do a very different job that doesn't meet people's needs.
I don't think that a person once a week is a substitute for daily meals and help with washing and dressing but there is no start date for social care and apparently no capacity. But my mother in law is happy and grateful for the befriender.
I'm sure that a carer helping with medication and meals would soon be able to assist her with washing and changing her clothes and she would be grateful for that too.
I mentioned private social care to the social worker when she phoned but she tried to put me off looking into it. I didn't hear why because my mother in law was sobbing at that point, oblivious to the fact that I was on the phone as she doesn't know what's going on around her sometimes.
My mother in law says that she does not want to go into a home. My husband, her son, has power of attorney to decide something different. Social services have duty of care. I'm stuck observing all this, powerless, feeling like I'm fabricating an illness, depriving my mother in law of freedoms and being told off by social services. They say that she must have a microwave, which several times she has been witnessed to use whilst empty, whilst I have expressed my concerns about this.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Thank you for all responses. I seem to have gone off on a tangent from my original question! But I'm looking into some stickers for my mother in law's door to help her to see where the lock is. These days she doesn't go out alone so there's generally someone around to prompt keys. It's all been a shock but we're muddling through.

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