Can lightening strike twice?


Registered User
Apr 10, 2006
Thank you so very much for your messages, my mum is at home now with her beloved little dog:)

She is much happier now she's home, her confusion is still there but it did improve a little, she has since developed a serious UTI called Klebsiela .....(this is the one that got Ray), i believe its one of the superbugs that becomes resistant to many antibiotics, although she still has the pneumonia, she did feel a little better for a few days, however, she has been very poorly again the last two days and her confusion/dementia symptoms have been a little worse.

I think its going to be a long road to recovery........and i know i'm a glutton for punishment, but i'm still clinging to the hope that she's gonna be ok.......cos i'm not ready to let her go...... i just can't.

Thank you so much for your support.

Much love
Alex x


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Alex

I was glad to read that your mum is now home with her little doggie and did improve somewhat. You sounded calmer and ready for the rocky road to recovery.

Just sending my very best wishes to you and your mum.



Registered User
May 29, 2008
(((((Alex))))) I hope that in the coming days Mum feels better with each dawn. It can be amazing at how strong our parents really can be, 24th August my Mum was given 10 hours to live, yet she proved them all wrong, thankfully. I feel exactly the same as you, I couldn't imagine my life without her. The angels must have looked down and said "hey it ain't your time yet". I don't take a single day for granted.
Sending you loads of (((((hugs))))) and Take care xx