Can I cope


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
Monday early hours my husband started spitting up blood and because diagnosed with DVT a few months ago headed straight to A&E. Scan showed no clots but was infection but as went into AF while we were there Doctors decided should be monitored for 24 hours. I knew this was going to be difficult as previous admissions showed and I was proved correct. Staff had to give one to one care as he was so unsettled and trying to get out of bed. I arrived today just before ward round and again told no clots but infection and he could go home. Knew I couldn't manage to get him in and out of car alone so daughter and grandson came to the rescue. Now home and I am really worried as to how I am going to cope overnight as he appears to have become incontinent and dementia has taken a nose dive. Grandson is nearby in case I need help and I have NHS urgent response numbers to hand. I am hoping being home and a good sleep will stabilise him but following an infection, which on reading hospital letter turns out to be pneumonia, and hospital stay I am not going to see him back to where he was which was late middle stages.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
If I can cope then anyone can. Because I'm no angel, but I care, that's all it takes, coping can come after as well as before, it's the transition between the two that is hardest.
After isn't easy, before wasn't either just the bit in the middle that is so hard to do, all my love and sympathy at this most trying of all times. K


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
If you get at all worried phone the ward he was on and talk stuff through with them.
Doesn’t feel like a very planned discharge 😞

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
@Blissy have you been given a supply incontinence products? Have you been offered carers or an additional care package?
Catch your breath and if you don't think you'll cope, call the ward or 111, tell them what has happened and say that this is a failed discharge. Please remember that there's a huge difference between being unable to cope and not caring.

Janey B

Registered User
Aug 15, 2019
If I can cope then anyone can. Because I'm no angel, but I care, that's all it takes, coping can come after as well as before, it's the transition between the two that is hardest.
After isn't easy, before wasn't either just the bit in the middle that is so hard to do, all my love and sympathy at this most trying of all times. K
Gosh Kevini such insight
That’s just how it is for us
We are muddling along quite nicely feeling organised at last when overnight things change.
For a short period I’m totally beside myself and upset that I won’t be able to manage. Then thankfully solutions are found and muddling along restored until the next time JB


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
Thanks for your replies. So true Janet B. In the night I was thinking I would need some urgent care package but I made it through, all be it without much sleep and things have improved this morning. Husband making more sense and thankfully mobility has improved. Urged on by friends and family I will ask social services for assessment, as yesterday showed me you never know when things will change and you need help so it would be good to be on there radar.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
Since last post my husband has had a stroke and is not going to survive it. He is struggling to breathe but holding on. Our daughter has just arrived from New Zealand and perhaps he is waiting for her, she is certainly doing her best to get to him. We all hope he will then let go do finally st peace.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
Blissy ,I'm so very sorry to hear about your husband, it must be so hard for you and your family,wishing you the strength in the days ahead.xx


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Oh I am so sorry.
Such big changes in such a small time
If you wish, keep posting and we can hold your virtual hand through this time


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
My husband day late on the 19th May with me by his side holding his hand. The funeral is today and I am so lucky to have the support of my lovely family and friends. I just feel so guilty now for the times when I have been less than patient and wanting my role as carer to end but at the same time not wanting the only solution to that to come. He had a strong faith and I hope that now he has other arms around him and is at peace.

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