Can’t cope


New member
Jan 31, 2024
my husband has dementia. He was diagnosed about 6 years ago, he is still functioning as usual, only forgetting names occasionally. The major problem being he treats me terribly, he calls me names shouts all the time and now he has accused our daughter of stealing his money. She is looking after him 2 days a week but now he doesn’t want her to because he says she does nothing, I know this is not true I am there but he thinks she is. I am elderly myself and I am distressed all the time is there anything the dr could do for his temper.


New member
Jan 31, 2024
Medications, need to be figured into the equation, sometimes certain ones stopped or switched to another type. I would talk to the Doctor ASAP because the temper could get out of hand.

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
yes, ask your GP. Unfortunately, I read others with the same problem. This is one of the least attractive symptom of dementia/alzheimer, isn't it. there maybe a pill to calm his behaviour down some. it really must be hard to accept this treatment and abusive language and accusations.


Registered User
Jun 15, 2020
my husband has dementia. He was diagnosed about 6 years ago, he is still functioning as usual, only forgetting names occasionally. The major problem being he treats me terribly, he calls me names shouts all the time and now he has accused our daughter of stealing his money. She is looking after him 2 days a week but now he doesn’t want her to because he says she does nothing, I know this is not true I am there but he thinks she is. I am elderly myself and I am distressed all the time is there anything the dr could do for his temper.
You'd rather he had the physical problems, wouldn't you? You need to have a conversation with your GP about this - there are some medications that might help with these behaviours, and it's certainly worth getting back into the system, as it sounds like you've not had much help since he was diagnosed.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
There are medications, however, the use of the Chemical Cosh as it was termed is now frowned down on, we the careers are just collateral damage.