Binge-drinkers 'risking dementia'

Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England
From my humble non-medical knowledge I was taught alcohol kills off brain cells? And unlike many other cells in the body cannot regenerate? (Doesn't stop me having the odd glass!!!!:rolleyes: ) And obviously the immediate short-term effects - and short-term after effects of over indulgence (who me? :D) are pretty quickly evident ... much the same as someone eating greasy chips ....? Every once in a while that satisfies a need, but too many too often is going to have a long-term effect somehow?

I've mooted before I believe my father had dementia (10+ years ago when I didn't know then what I know now!) ... he had had multiple health issues for several years ..... but I recall asking his consultant in his latter days why my dad appeared so confused ... his liver function was such that the consultant described him as 'not being able to eradicate the toxins from his blood' ... and therefore the toxins were 'going to his brain' ...... a slightly different slant on alcohol may have caused VaD ....? (And at this point we were talking an 'odd tipple' - hardly binge drinking).

What fascinates me with this, Craig, amongst all the hypotheses about what may or may not instigate/prevent dementia is that the message will not get across to those who need to know it ... the youngsters today who 'binge-drink' on a Saturday night ... the kids whose best meal of the week is a 'greasy chippy' because that's how they are brought up .... how do we break the cycle and get the message to those it might help in the future? And then how do we explain 'But we still don't really know' - so why should they take any notice anyway? :(

Just thoughts, love, Karen, x