Bad day with a lot of resentment


Registered User
May 27, 2024
Mum have had bad days and good days. Not really had a full diagnosis (a few memory tests. I may have posted this several times.) shrinkage of the brain.. few spots. Went for over a 3 hour assessment. Questions asked were a few timed questions. I heard them contemplating and will be transferred to a memory clinic. It hasn’t happened and I need to go back to my doctor. But with a small respect, she is 76 and I say she has gone. Nobody wants to know! She was put on B12 for a month and should have a blood test. It’s been over a few weeks now so I shall call to follow up.
Did have a few bad days, some good. When I say good, I mean basic understanding and simple chat.
She has a habit of overloading her mouth and choking. I have reduced that problem.
Toilet? Still an issue as she thinks Always pads will be all!! Dry as a bone!! (I wash pj bottoms daily)
She had a stomach upset the other night. “I need a poo” A while later she went to the toilet.
I’ve seen diarrhoea before but I have never seen such a mess. It was everywhere.
Hands.. wall..
and as I type, she was snoring one second now wandering her room

This is my mum.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
One of the most open hearted and honest things I've read on here and that's bee quite a while, thank you for posting. K


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Oh @ceggs you are having it rough at present Are you getting any help caring for your mum, if not please contact your local adult social services to request a needs assessment for your mum and a carers assessment for yourself.
In the meantime keep posting on here, it really can help to express how you are feeling. Our members truly understand the difficulties that you are going through.

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
If like me, you have trouble speaking to adult social services, a email to your local councillor may help.

If poo-gate happens again, take plenty of photos as although the thought is pretty gross, it gives you evidence.

Worth trying these "special new knickers" that have been recommended EVERYWHERE. We call them pull-ups but if a little white one helps, then you have to go for it.

B12 can give similar symptoms to dementia so that's something that needs chasing. There is a condition called Pernicious anaemia which means that B12 can not be absorbed through the stomach so if she has this condition, no vitamin tablets are going to help. Suggest that you check that your Mum has been tested for this condition. Pernicious anaemia is not a major problem, it just means regular B12 by injection. Injections can sometimes be given when someone is very low but doesn't have Pernicious anaemia and this is what happened to my own Mum.

Calon Lan

Registered User
May 21, 2024
I’m so sorry @ceggs, you are dealing with such a difficult situation at the moment. Sometimes things move so slowly when people like yourself need help immediately.

When you are able to talk to social services and doctors please don’t hold back. Tell them absolutely everything about how badly this is affecting you as well as describing your mum’s symptoms.

When I was looking after my mum with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia I became extremely stressed and ended up mentally exhausted. I had to tell social services I simply couldn’t do it any more to get rapid action from them. They are responsible for making sure your mum is safe and that she receives the care she needs.

I really hope you can get help and support soon.

Take care.


Registered User
May 27, 2024
I’m so sorry @ceggs, you are dealing with such a difficult situation at the moment. Sometimes things move so slowly when people like yourself need help immediately.

When you are able to talk to social services and doctors please don’t hold back. Tell them absolutely everything about how badly this is affecting you as well as describing your mum’s symptoms.

When I was looking after my mum with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia I became extremely stressed and ended up mentally exhausted. I had to tell social services I simply couldn’t do it any more to get rapid action from them. They are responsible for making sure your mum is safe and that she receives the care she needs.

I really hope you can get help and support soon.

Take care.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2022
I'm so sorry. How overwhelming.
Like others have said - document everything. It's another stressor but sometimes the only way to get social workers attention.