Awful care home visit today

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Mum was discharged from hospital 28/1 and placed in a 6 week d2a.
It's a scruffy place, but scruffy doesn't matter but today, oh my!

First off I'm told she's run out of clothes, she had 7 changes. Told their might be a laundry backlog so I offered to go and check to see if I could find a change of clothes. Clothes piled up to head height, told the laundress has phoned in sick. Managed to find 4 pj bottoms .

Her fingernails were encrusted dark brown. At home this means she's had a visit to the loo. I'm not going to smell, it could be breakfast so I look for a bowl to soak her fingers
The hairdressing cupboard if full of bits of clothing , ditto an out of use bathroom (see photo).
Dinner she's given food she cannot chew ( I told them about this when she arrived) and knife and fork when she eats with spoon and fingers . Tried chopping and mashing and she still could not manage so got a bowl of mashed potato for her. Couldn't find any of the aprons in her room, so used a hand towel as a bib. While I was in her room a carer rushed in grabbed an incontinence pad from her wardrobe and ran off with it to another inmate.
While mum was eating mash saw a man sitting 10 yards away. He had just come Bach from hospital and was having problems cutting his food. Went over to cut it for him and his nose was dripping and snot running down his chin and in his mouth while he tried to eat. Luckily I had brought back kitchen towels from mums room so had to mop up his face and cut up the food.
Later the lady next to mum was helped up and had wet herself and the employee was complaining there was nobody available to help her as they had just gone on their break

A week Saturday mum was struggling but managed to walk about 50 yards with her frame. Now they are struggling to get her to stand to be transferred into a wheelchair to be pushed everywhere

Oh, and the dressing over her burst water blister on her shin has not be changed since 26/01 at the hospital and had stained through so I had to phone up the district nurse to complain.

Visited 3 other homes on my way back, have been advised to get assessment done asap so that she can either go home or we can move her .

No dignity there. Pretty horrified really.


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Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Oh what a horrible time for you and your mum. Does she have a social worker?
There is no way you should be put in this position but I’m guessing you are going to make a complaint and find another home. There is no excuses for this situation. I hope you get your mum the care she deserves soon.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
I'm sorry that was such a horrendous visit @try again . I'd certainly be complaining to the manager, discussing things with the social worker who placed her there and maybe the Care Quality Commission too. It sounds like the home is extremely short staffed, but that is no excuse for such more care, or such a messy room.
If you liked one of the other homes, can they visit the home your mum is currently in and assess her there asap?


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Thats pretty bad @try again
Im assuming that she went there after discharge from being in hospital. Do you have to wait until the Best Interest meeting at the end of the assessment period to know whether she would be going to a care/nursing home, or returning to her own home with a care package?
Definitely start looking at other places.

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Yes one of the other care home managers said I have to push for an assessment stressing that they don't seem to be helping promote independence


Registered User
Oct 19, 2020
This is terrible care. I was so worried about my Mum going into care, her care home is scruffy as well and we also have had issues with laundry, but there are always staff around and they do seem to really care. They never raise their voices and when we have a problem they try to address it. I hope you can get her into a better staffed home soon because that seems like the main problem here

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Well peace and calm today

Started with ot phoning me at 8 saying she would push for an assessment this week. She said she wasn't too impressed with the place and would be mentioning it.

Spoke to owner who could only apologise and said I should have said something at the time. I told him I was too angry at the time, it wasn't really good enough and at the end of the day the buck stopped with him . He said the laundry was getting sorted today. Not really much else he could say.
Sis is coming up at the weekend and we are going care home checking.
He did suggest he could advise about local care homes and suggested big ones were just corporate and small family run ones more caring. I told him that I had been put off small homes and currently felt that at least there WERE standards of care in big homes.

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