Attendance Allowance Letter


New member
Jul 6, 2024
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hello first time poster!

I have just received a letter today asking why i did not inform Attendance Allowance of my mams care home hospital stay.
My mam was put in emergency respite as my Dad collapsed (me and dad are carers) i was informed she could stay 28 days before i had to tell dwp, it never got to 28 days my mam was neglected and was in hospital very poorly with sepsis, my dad was also in hospital and i was going between the two. I think she was in just over 4 weeks.
My dad got out for a week and was rushed back in. I was exhausted i have two children and work full time also.
Fast forward to now, shes settled in a new home and was funded my the nhs for 4 weeks and was told i didnt have to do anything until she became a permanent resident which i did.
Now i am anxious anyway and i am having a right carry on with pension credit etc, and i really dont know what to do.
Has anyone else had this?

Thanks x


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
If your mum was in hospital and then respite care just over 4 weeks then that would be over 28 days. The counting starts from the day she was admitted and includes any paid for care like hospitals or emergency respite ( or any paid for time in a care facility) . The 4 weeks funded by the NHS is in addition to this so definitely over 28 days. If she was getting AA during this time then basically she shouldn’t have received it.
The DWP ask to be informed as soon as possible so that they can monitor incase they need to stop payments after day 28. I have a feeling , you may have been misinformed which doesn’t surprised me.
You are quite right that these things always happen when there are a thousand and one other things needing your attention and it is extremely stressful.
Just give the AA team a call clarify the dates with them and if you mum has been over paid, agree a way to pay that back.
If your mum is self funding now she is in residential care, she should be able to claim AA again. If her care if funded in any way other than her own money, she will not be entitled to claim AA again.
Try not to stress too much, these letters can be very officious but it’s a genuine mistake that many many people make.


New member
Jul 6, 2024
Newcastle upon Tyne
Honestly as soon as she was put as a permanent resident I rang up, I rang everyone .
I feel like I can’t deal with much more at the moment.
I spent a day off yesterday on the phone all day to pension credits and I am still no further forward, and then I am still backwards and forwards caring for my dad.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2022
You are meant to inform DWP when people receiving AA go into hospital or into residential care. Obviously when all this is happening you don't know how long their stay will be, or what future plans are, so contacting DWP is not exactly at the forefront of your mind! I'm sure they will understand that.

They will need to know the dates your mum was in respite care, in hospital and in the new home. They can then work out if AA has been overpaid for any period and they will reclaim any monies due to them. If your mum is self funding I think you can still claim AA when in residential care.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2022
It takes so long to get through too! I’ve been getting wrong for ringing them at work too! Honestly it’s just all a mess
I know - nightmare isn't it? Some days I could spend the whole day just trying to make 2 or 3 calls to hospital, doctor, pharmacy, solicitor, tax office, etc. I am retired, but how on earth are people who have to work expected to do this, when the only time they have available to them is the weekend or evenings, and none of these places are open then?!!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
The DLA people send me frequent letters to tell me of the increase in my husband's DLA. That would be the DLA that I cancelled last June because of his hospital admission and cancelled completely when he was taken into his Nursing Home.
Keep it in your head when you explain to them you overlooked it because of the traumatic situation. Its the hypocrisy of them making out they never make mistakes


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Just been reading some Attendance Allowance threads as prep for filling in an application form which I had planned to do tomorrow. OH had been very anti and paranoid about it since dementia diagnosis, until quite recently. But he'd interfere with me doing the application as he says he hasn't got dementia.........
From what I've picked up, I can get supporting documents togethrr and fill the thing in but not send it until we know where he ends up. Me in the loony bin and him in Timbuctoo at this rate.


New member
Jul 6, 2024
Newcastle upon Tyne
I know - nightmare isn't it? Some days I could spend the whole day just trying to make 2 or 3 calls to hospital, doctor, pharmacy, solicitor, tax office, etc. I am retired, but how on earth are people who have to work expected to do this, when the only time they have available to them is the weekend or evenings, and none of these places are open then?!!
I had a day off yesterday so I was on to pension credits which is an absolute mess too! I haven’t stopped in about 3 months and I am ready to collapse now x


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Geordielass80 , write to the DWP with the admission and discharge dates . Explain you overlooked this amongst dealing with parents and working and ask they let you know how much has been overpaid . Agree to repay but ask that if the amount is substantial that it be repaid in installments.

People who work there are human . I've managed to speak to several in recent months and they've always been helpful even if it's not been quite what I wanted to hear🙂


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I will often write to the DWP if I can’t face phoning them. Don’t worry - they send out stinky letters. Worst outcome is she will have to pay some back, but you will eawily be able to negotiate a payment plan if necessary. CAB will be able to support you if need be.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Geordielass80 , write letters with the information they ask for and what you want to tell them . Then forget until they reply. The balls in their court ,until they respond. Quite often they want it in writing anyway and it saves sitting on the phone for hours getting more stressed. X