Attendance allowance change in circumstances


New member
Aug 6, 2023
Hi all,

We have applied for attendance allowance for my Dad which we have told there will be a decision in 12 weeks. But I am really panicking that I have filled it in incorrectly and it might get refused :/ what do I do in this situation?

Since sending the application we have done the power of attorney for my Dad. But he has also got worse and needs more help, so I'm scared some of the information isn't correct any more.

Do I wait and see if they raise an issue with any of it (if they do this) or do I just call them and explain the changes with regard to the power of attorney etc?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I would write and explain adding in the information where he has declined. You can also mention the POA. This may delay things further but if he is found to be eligible he will receive a back payment.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome from me.
If the information you supplied on the application was correct at the time as I'm sure it was, however, since you applied circumstances have changed in the 3 months it takes them to process a claim then I'd call them and explain what's changed.
Free phone number for this is 0800 7310222.
Hope this helps. K


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I would ring them. My oh had the lower rate of Disability Living Allowance due to his heart conditions. I applied in January for it upgrading to the higher rate
I said the change was from October as that is when night incontinence started .The higher rate has been awarded but didn't start until end of April as you have to have the condition for six months before the award.
I would get the change noted as soon as possible so the six month criteria starts counting!