At peace now


Registered User
Jan 3, 2017
Just thought I'd come on to say that in the early hours of Thursday morning my wonderful dad passed away. He was taken to the queens medical centre in Nottingham a week before on the Thursday with a suspected water infection and very low blood pressure. Within a few hours of being admitted they told us he would not pull through it. On Friday morning we decided to stop all treatment and just continue with pain relief. On Friday night we were given a side room and the amazing nurses gave me and my sister a fold up bed so that we could get some rest. We stayed with him until the very end, it was a long very difficult week . At 1am Thursday we knew the end was near, we talked to him told him how much we loved him and that it was time to let go and be at peace. He left us at 1.08am. I am relieved that my amazing dad is now free of this horrible disease but heartbroken that I will never see him again.
I would like to thank each and every one of you who gave me advice over the last few months on many issues concerning dad's Alzheimer's. Your support was so greatly appreciated. I will continue to read other people's journeys and hopefully share my experience to help others.
RIP DAD (Dave) until we meet again xxx


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
My condolences. A difficult time for you but a peaceful parting for your Dad is what we all would wish for. Sending sympathy and best wishes for the oncoming days and weeks.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm so glad you were with your dad until the end and that he's now at peace. Wishing you strength.