Asstive Technology or Tagging


Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
Co Durham
Like many people these days I think electronic gadgets are wonderful, when I can use them and understand them. Many people with dementia use assistive technology, and there have been many discussions about the word tagging.

Many people feel angry when the term tagging is used, when it is to do with People with Dementia.

The reason being that tagging is used for tracking those who have offended in society,and many of us feel that we have done nothing wrong but get this horrible disease.

Surely it is time for those people who design these wonderful gadgets, to rename them so that we feel happier. It also gets those people from the Civil Liberties groups and some Social Workers off our backs, as many of them think it is offensive that we are given these gadgets, for our own safety and our carers Peace of mind.

Some time ago I was in a session at a workshop, when these gadgets were on display and we had a chance to look at them and see what they could do.

Shortly after two ladies came up and said, that it was against our Civil Liberties and I really could not believe it. These two just happened to be Social Workers, which made it seem worse than it was.

My answer to them was:-
I lost my civil liberties when I was given the diagnosis of dementia, and these gadgets allow me to carry on with my freedom while allowing my wife that extra but of time doing her own thing, without having to keep looking over her shoulder to see if I am alright.
Surely there is nothing wrong with that.
I also feel that it is our right to enjoy what is left of our lives with out this stupidity, from those who obviously do not have a clue about what dementia, is or how it makes us and our carers feel.

So please stop using the name tagging, and use Assistive Technology for all those with Dementia. You will help and please many with this illness.

Best Wishes


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Ken

I agree with you 100%.

Assistive Technology aka `Tagging` is not an infringement of civil liberties for those with dementia, it enhances of civil liberties.

It`s up to us to argue the toss with those who take political correctness to absurd levels without engaging their brains.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Morning Ken

My answer to them was:-
I lost my civil liberties when I was given the diagnosis of dementia, and these gadgets allow me to carry on with my freedom while allowing my wife that extra but of time doing her own thing, without having to keep looking over her shoulder to see if I am alright.

Your reply is one of those responses that reach right into the heart of the matter and, once heard, is unlikely to be forgotten. However, it is one of those answers that need to be given over and over again to more and more new listeners.

If this subject comes up with me present, I am sure I will remember your response and I hope you don't mind if I quote you?



Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Hello Ken!

I can only reiterate what the others have said..I'm in total agreement with you and shall certainly think of your words and experience when this subject is raised.

Love gigi xx


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
The reason being that tagging is used for tracking those who have offended in society,and many of us feel that we have done nothing wrong but get this horrible disease.

They should call it a tracker devise .

because tagging someone that offended in society does not track them .

Tagging someone who has offended, who is being released back into society. It’s giving them a curfew. So they have to be in the house after an allocated time that the probation office has told them they have to in their house.

If they are not in there own home at the allocated time . The Box that installed in the house will pick this up, send an alert to the police station . when they find them , they are send right back to prison .

The police can not track them, even if they have the tag on there leg, if have gone over they curfew.

Where with someone with a Demetria that has a tag around there leg or arm, they is no curfew ? no alert is sent to the police station. no box is installed in the house?

Its not even a tag the is strap around the leg that can not even be removed even in the bath is it ?

What devise is it that track someone with Demetria?

Its all done on a computer to trick them if they have forgotten the way in how to get home .

I also feel that it is our right to enjoy what is left of our lives with out this stupidity, from those who obviously do not have a clue about what dementia, is or how it makes us and our carers feel.

Also what a tag is about when it come to tagging someone that offended in society, comparing it to someone that has a Demetria that may need tracking .

(My son going to be tag to my property in may)
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Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
Co Durham
Hi Margarita

I think the easiest way now, is for me to carry a mobile phone so that Janice can find me where ever I am, as long as there is a good signal. However I understand that these can be tracked on a computer these days, but I am not sure how it works.



Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Shortly after two ladies came up and said, that it was against our Civil Liberties and I really could not believe it. These two just happened to be Social Workers, which made it seem worse than it was.

Words fail me.

Ken, carry on using your mobile phone........sounds good to me.
However some of these devices around now can keep our loved ones safer, even if/when they cannot understand any form of verbal communication.

You put the case so well. I shall remember your words for future reference. Love n'hugs.


Account Closed
Nov 23, 2007
Way to go Ken

I also feel that it is our right to enjoy what is left of our lives with out this stupidity, from those who obviously do not have a clue about what dementia, is or how it makes us and our carers feel.

So please stop using the name tagging, and use Assistive Technology for all those with Dementia. You will help and please many with this illness.

Ken, I
Agreed with you 100%
Barb X


Registered User
Jan 29, 2008
Ashford, Kent
We got one for Dad. I don't see it as a tag, never have done.

I have always referred to it as a tracker, just lets me make sure I know where he is.

Civil liberty... what a crock of cr*p. Safety is far more important!



Registered User
Apr 8, 2009
Hi Ken,
Some of the newer mobile phones include GPS which works in interesting ways and there are more innovative ones coming onto the market all the time.

I did read about one last week to locate where a driver had left a car in an unfamiliar town. The idea with that particular one is that you set it when you leave the location and then you can walk wherever you choose and then set the end point when you decide to stop.

It then plots a route back to your car or wherever you started from. I thought that was a very useful idea.

I've had small experience of tracker devices which can be used by lone workers ie social workers or estate agents out in the community and if they are helpful that's great.

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