Asking for help as a carer - Jay and Andrew's story


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Jay Owen had been caring for his grandma, known to him as Nanny V, for months before she was diagnosed with dementia the day before his wedding to his husband Andrew.
As his grandma's dementia progressed, being her lead carer put a strain on Jay. His husband Andrew suggested he contact Alzheimer's Society.

"The support I had from the Alzheimer’s Society saved our marriage. We decided to get married because we wanted to spend our lives together. Of course, I loved my nan to bits, but she wasn’t part of my routine when we made that decision."

You can read Jay's story on the Alzheimer's Society website here.

Two images. On the left, a man and an elderly woman have their faces close together as they smile at the camera. On the right is an image of three people in smart clothes. In the centre is the same woman as in the first photo, and on her right is the same man from the previous photo in a blue suit. On the left there is a younger man in a blue suit.