Appointment on Wednesday


New member
Jun 3, 2024
Hello, my husband is 78 today and on Wednesday we are seeing a consultant to follow up on a memory assessment in April and CT scan last month. I may have lots of questions!


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Halcyon.

I’m so sorry to hear bout your husband’s memory issues. I hope everything goes as well as possible on Wednesday.

You’ve certainly found the right place to come to for support and understanding. When you’re ready you may want to start a thread in the I Have A Partner With Dementia area of the forum.

That would allow you to ask questions or share your concerns and keep all of the responses in one place. See how you feel once you know what’s happening.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome from me too @Halcyon.

Many of us have been in similar situations, waiting for results and unsure what comes after.
Take advantage of any opportunity to ask questions following diagnosis, if diagnosis it is. Make a note so you don't forget anything.
Fingers crossed for you it goes as well as it can.

Once you know where you stand, take @Izzy`s advice and start your own thread in I have a partner with dementia where I know you will get the best support possible.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
I agree with making a list.

I wonder if there are some questions you might want to ask but worry about asking with your husband there ?

Please don’t let this stop you getting all the info you need.

You could write ahead or even phone an Admiral nurse after the appointment to revisit any issues or anything you left out.