Any experience of? advice welcome


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
During the past few weeks my lovely hubby has complained of 'vibration' and 'humming' sounds. We have tried to eliminate the general atmospheric noises, eg. aeroplaines overhead, fridges, washing machines, road noises, etc etc.

I am sure this is related to his 'nerves', or whatever, in poor circulation. BUT have any of you out there any experience of this?

Thanks Jan

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Jan,

I wonder if it could be something like tinnitus? The trouble is it would probably be difficult even for the doctor to find out, unless it`s a known symptom. I do hope you manage to find out what it is.

Love xx


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Hi Jan

I've no experience of it, but I do remember form the Malcolm and Barbara TV programme that Malcolm complained of a constant buzzing in his head.

I also remembered a post from Maggie about auditory hallucinations (thanks, Maggie)

The quote is from this web page:

Hallucinations are false perceptions based on false sensa (sensory input) not triggered by any external event or entity. The patient is usually not psychotic - he is aware that he what he sees, smells, feels, or hears is not there. Still, some psychotic states are accompanied by hallucinations (e.g., formication - the feeling that bugs are crawling over or under one's skin).

There are a few classes of hallucinations:

Auditory - The false perception of voices and sounds (such as buzzing, humming, radio transmissions, whispering, motor noises, and so on).

I don't know whether david is having hallucinations, but it might be worth investigating.

I hope you manage to find the answer.



Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs

I have no practical suggestions, but my Dad has complained of tinnitus for some years now, long before his diagnosis, so I wonder if in some way it is linked to dementia.


Registered User
Oct 1, 2006
Dear Jan
My husband used to complain of noises and keeps saying he has tinnitus.
We live on a main road and before he was diagnoised he used to say the noise from the road was getting too much and he wanted to move, this was after 35 years of living there so maybe it is the illness.
He also had a spell of saying that he felt like nails were digging in his skin and we had to keep changing the bed at night just to keep him happy.
So hopefully all this will pass in time for you I do hope so.
All the best Roseann


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
You do have a good memory Skye , best advice I had even if you want to perceive it as tinnitus

As I have tinnitus is to have CD walk man on , you husband may not like them so radio on or TV radio during the day . night time is worse for me sometime , so radio on low help , or my CD walkman with realizing music
[ could try it , even if its not tinnitus ] If I've been out the night before , where really load music been playing it trigger it of really bad for weeks on end its like a low hum tinning ringing , can get high pitch
when silent is around me
I Just learn to live with tinnitus .

I am not a doctor , but would say if your husband has not had those symptoms for as long as you have known him Or should say before dementia

I would say its Just One of the many symptoms dementia .

If his very distress , see a CNP or Doctor for advice and medication
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Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Thanks all for your thoughts.

David does suffer from tinnitus (as I do sometimes). However I think this is to do with a 'vibration' feeling he has along with the 'humming' sounds - the two seem to go together. The vibrations he feels are under his feet - so he thinks we have mine workings underneath us! Living in the Peak National Park that is highly unlikely and if it were possible I would be aware too. I have googled this and it is s recognised problem, not just with elderly or dementia patients. I think a neurological problem.

I do agree - the total symptoms are probably worth a mention to the doctor - not that I have confidence that anything can be done about it.

Its good to hear if others have these problems (along with all the others of course!).

Best wishes Jan


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
BeckyJan said:
it is s recognised problem, not just with elderly or dementia patients. I think a neurological problem.

I think you're right, Jan. Tinnitus is a problem of the ears, but this is a more fundamantal problem, which seems to affect more than one sense.

It could be that a small dose of an anti-psychotic would help, but I'm sure your GP will have met it before. As you say, it's not uncommon.

I hope you can find a solution, it must be very distressing to live with. As is tinnitus, of course -- it must be doubly distressing to have both.
