another funny!! dementia thing


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Yes ,getting the shaver off him to recharge it I s a work of art! I try to take it when he's asleep. If he didn't sleep so much he might not think it was time to shave 😂
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Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
And another.... In a very ordinary voice,
I've just been asked if we are being imprisoned today! I think he wants to know if we are going out! 🙂


Registered User
Dec 23, 2022
My mum asked the doctor if she could have lobster added to her prescription list!!! Almost as funny as the doctor and myself trying hard to stifle our laughs.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
My washing machine has been playing up for a while now (eeeeek) and this morning decided it wouldn't spin or if it did, it didn't get rid of the water so the clothes were still soaking wet when I took them out.

I was trying to explain this to OH (why do I bother?) when he said 'I don't know why you use that machine. The other one is much better'.

Other machine? What other machine? Where?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
My washing machine has been playing up for a while now (eeeeek) and this morning decided it wouldn't spin or if it did, it didn't get rid of the water so the clothes were still soaking wet when I took them out.
As well as clothes being soaking is there water in the bottom of the drum.
If there is see if you can find a filter on the outlet drain, usually behind a little door at the bottom of the front. be prepared for water flowing out when removing filter, if water is not emptying machine will not spin.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
As well as clothes being soaking is there water in the bottom of the drum.
If there is see if you can find a filter on the outlet drain, usually behind a little door at the bottom of the front. be prepared for water flowing out when removing filter, if water is not emptying machine will not spin.
Thank you @nitram - there was water in the drum and quite a bit. I often clear the filter but haven't for a while so I'll put that on my 'things to do tomorrow' list. However, I tried it again and the water cleared so I'm hoping that problem has gone away for a while.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Thank you @nitram - there was water in the drum and quite a bit. I often clear the filter but haven't for a while so I'll put that on my 'things to do tomorrow' list. However, I tried it again and the water cleared so I'm hoping that problem has gone away for a while.
Maybe partially blocked filter, have fun checking and clearing out filter if needs be


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
there was water in the drum and quite a bit. I often clear the filter but haven't for a while so I'll put that on my 'things to do tomorrow' list. However, I tried it again and the water cleared so I'm hoping that problem has gone away for a while.
I had exactly the same problem recently. It turned out that the hose at the back that the waste water goes out of was kinked


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Maybe partially blocked filter, have fun checking and clearing out filter if needs be
As I said - I have done this a few times. I know just how much fun I can have. I can't wait for the excitement to begin :)


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Another incident that happened last year popped into my head today. Last year OH was in a dementia unit which had an enclosed garden in the centre of it. The garden was about 2 or 3 times the size of a standard garden. As OH had previously done gardening for a living, I encouraged him to do some work in it but he didn't want to know.

The occupational therapist - an amazing woman to whom I will be eternally grateful - spent many hours talking to OH and getting to know him. One day I went in to visit him and he wasn't in the day centre. I asked one of the nurses where he was. He was in the garden with the OT, watering the flowers. I couldn't believe it.

When I went out to see him he said 'hello' and carried on. After a while the staff brought him breakfast and he stopped, slumped down in the chair next to me and said he was exhausted. I asked him what he had been doing. He said he had turned over the entire garden, planted all the flowers, cut the grass (it was artificial) and was just watering everything before he had his breakfast.

All this before 8.15am.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Another incident that happened last year popped into my head today. Last year OH was in a dementia unit which had an enclosed garden in the centre of it. The garden was about 2 or 3 times the size of a standard garden. As OH had previously done gardening for a living, I encouraged him to do some work in it but he didn't want to know.

The occupational therapist - an amazing woman to whom I will be eternally grateful - spent many hours talking to OH and getting to know him. One day I went in to visit him and he wasn't in the day centre. I asked one of the nurses where he was. He was in the garden with the OT, watering the flowers. I couldn't believe it.

When I went out to see him he said 'hello' and carried on. After a while the staff brought him breakfast and he stopped, slumped down in the chair next to me and said he was exhausted. I asked him what he had been doing. He said he had turned over the entire garden, planted all the flowers, cut the grass (it was artificial) and was just watering everything before he had his breakfast.

All this before 8.15am.
Mmm ...they definitely think they work harder than they do . 😂 I posted my OH had spent all night working on the street electricity supply!


Registered User
Nov 9, 2023
Hi, I would like to share a ‘near miss’ shoplifting event today taking my mum out for a shopping trip! Found some socks she liked and put them on her lap, sitting in the wheelchair whilst I went to try on some clothing.
Went to the till to pay for my item and remembered mum’s socks. Where’s your socks mum? Socks ? Looked on her lap, nothing and I don’t know what made me but opened her handbag to find them safely stored away, the assistant didn’t bat an eyelid and very understanding. Will be alert to this next time and it was quite funny!


Registered User
Jun 10, 2023
Realised today OH has been having chutney on his toast for breakfast. Homemade chutney in a jam jar. Will let him carry on as it needs using up !


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hi, I would like to share a ‘near miss’ shoplifting event today taking my mum out for a shopping trip! Found some socks she liked and put them on her lap, sitting in the wheelchair whilst I went to try on some clothing.
Went to the till to pay for my item and remembered mum’s socks. Where’s your socks mum? Socks ? Looked on her lap, nothing and I don’t know what made me but opened her handbag to find them safely stored away, the assistant didn’t bat an eyelid and very understanding. Will be alert to this next time and it was quite funny!
Hi @SarahJC , thanks for sharing . I think these situations must happen quite frequently, not to us but shop assistants
Reminds me of the time my OH nearly shoplifted. The shop assistant didn't seem too concerned either. I nearly died!
I'd been looking at something on the shelf near the tills . I turned around to speak to OH and saw him disappearing past a customer at the till and heading to the door with a wire basket full of unpaid items.
I shot off after him , apologising to the customer and the assistant and brought him back . I think he'd seen someone he thought was me leaving the store!. The assistant just said, ' we'll all get old someday' and smiled . The customer smiled too until OH then tried to walk off with her paid for trolley of goods. Then she looked confused !
We need eyes in the back of our heads. 😂😂