another funny!! dementia thing


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Thank you so much everyone for some funny tales which brighten up the day. @Rishile made me remember something that my mum said about nails...

One day in the care home she'd had her nails cut.
Me: Oh mum, your nails look fantastic... they've been cut and painted.
Mum: Have they? Well nobody told me...
Me: Who did them for you?
Mum: I don't know. I wasn't there...


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
A conversation this morning:

OH: What did we do yesterday?
Me: Not much, we had a relaxing day
OH: So, did we do anything?
Me: Well, I cut and filed your fingernails
OH (looking at his nails): Oh, don't they look good. Where was I when you were doing that?

Errr - on the end of the hands?


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Thank you so much everyone for some funny tales which brighten up the day. @Rishile made me remember something that my mum said about nails...

One day in the care home she'd had her nails cut.
Me: Oh mum, your nails look fantastic... they've been cut and painted.
Mum: Have they? Well nobody told me...
Me: Who did them for you?
Mum: I don't know. I wasn't there...
😂😂Just love these

My OH this morning had nose bleed while I was in the shower. When I went back into the bedroom there was blood over the carpet and his face looked liked he'd been in a fight. Blood over his nose chin lower face. When I commented on the fact he'd had a bleed he said it wasn't him. Didn't convince me 😂😂


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Oh Bless @Cardinal .
In the UK we have a Halfords store that sells wipers etc for cars. They will fit the new wipers while you wait. I am sure that the US must have similar. (I seem to recall that you are from the US)
Auto supply stores will do that but the arms to the wipers just had the metal hooks that attach to the wipers and I was afraid the bare metal would scratch the windscreen. My neighbor reattached them for me. When I need new wipers I plan to do as you suggested.
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Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
Yesterday my husband decided to clean the windows inside the house with the wiper blades from the car. Why he though it is was a good idea I have no idea. When he was finished he had no idea how to get the wiper blades back on the car. I’ve never done this before and also had no idea how to attach the wipers back on. I left my husband to play with the car, it was locked and he didn’t have a key, while I tried to find someone to show me how to fix the wipers. My husband came in with the wipers in his hand and proudly announced he had fixed the wipers. Since they were in his hands I was very curious and dreading what he might have done. He had taken hand towels and attached them to the wiper arms. He was very indignant when I told him I wasn’t driving the car with towels attached to the wiper arms.
Bless him, the old brain keeps ticking over...


Registered User
Mar 2, 2023
My dad recently had an issue with double vision (thankfully it has resolved and was a symptom of a mini stroke) but as part of the treatment they said he’d see an eye doctor and he responded ‘ok but I don’t want a them giving me a glass eye’ we all giggled even him, no dad they are simply planning to put stickers on your glasses to help with vision 🤣


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
My nextdoor neighbour has a mother who has dementia. Told me she woke him at two a, m. to say it was snowing ( it wasn't and hasn't this year yet} then just as he was getting back to sleep she called him to ask him if he wanted some strawberrys. And then she wanted to make her husband his sandwiches so he could go to work . Husband has been dead for at least 6 yrs now.
Their brains must be going round like a cement mixer. Bloody disease.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
It was mildly chaotic at care home supper tonight - I was looking in my handbag for 2 residents who had ‘lost’ their keys, a lady who had moved floors had ‘lost’ her son….and my lovely lady from Northumbria who spits out her rhubarb wanted to know what the carer was doing to the fire……she was btw praying (Islamic lady)……but then my brain was wondering why she was praying in the dining room when the lounge would have been empty 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

mum and I escaped to the indoor garden upstairs to then be trailed by the 2nd floor ladies (bit like a WI up there) who all were instructing me on my wheelchair pushing technique……..we then took to her room 🤣🤣


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
After having tried vanish soap and carpet shampoo to get the blood drips out of the carpet, from oh nose bleed, and having no success I resorted to Google. White vinegar on the spots has worked but the room smells like a chip shop! Wish I'd waited til the morning 😂


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
After having tried vanish soap and carpet shampoo to get the blood drips out of the carpet, from oh nose bleed, and having no success I resorted to Google. White vinegar on the spots has worked but the room smells like a chip shop! Wish I'd waited til the morning 😂
Do you know anyone who could lend you a carpet cleaner , one that puts water down and then sucks it up? I got loads of blood out off my Mum’s carpet when she fell and cut her head - took awhile but it worked.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Do you know anyone who could lend you a carpet cleaner , one that puts water down and then sucks it up? I got loads of blood out off my Mum’s carpet when she fell and cut her head - took awhile but it worked.
I borrowed my daughters vax spot washer (yes it squirts water out and then sucks it up again) when OH had a major catheter malfunction over the bedroom carpet. It was wonderful. Im going to get one of my own


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Thank you for advice on the carpet cleaners. I actually have a shampooer but it's a palaver to set up. Might look for something easier.
Actually blood spots were 19 ,yes sad I counted them, and I thought the vanish bar would work. But... The White vinegar , neat,worked into each spot has done a very good job. Good to know.😊


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
I had a little giggle reading some of your funny comments, like @SkyeD and her mums nails. Just wish mine would come out with some of these, instead of just nasty comments when he doesn't get 24/7 attention.
The only time OH actually speaks to me is when he wants something. I can sit for hours in silence. When I've asked him why he doesn't talk to me, he just says he hasn't got anything to say. Yet if he's out, he chats, or is he's on the phone to his sister, he can chat for an hour. Oh well!!


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I had a little giggle reading some of your funny comments, like @SkyeD and her mums nails. Just wish mine would come out with some of these, instead of just nasty comments when he doesn't get 24/7 attention.
The only time OH actually speaks to me is when he wants something. I can sit for hours in silence. When I've asked him why he doesn't talk to me, he just says he hasn't got anything to say. Yet if he's out, he chats, or is he's on the phone to his sister, he can chat for an hour. Oh well!!
Oh @jay6 I'm sorry that you get nasty comments. I know I'm quite fortunate that my oh is compliant and generally passive. . If I'm tired and get snappy he'll give me a snappy response but on the whole he's pleasant. I don't get a sensible conversation from him though. It's either amusing things or complete random nonsense ,sometimes based on TV news or programs ,sometimes just rubbish from no where 😊


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Went in MacDonslds today - their fryer was broken so no fries, assistant brought our tray to the table and says can I get you anything else, quick as a flash OH says “yes, chips “ ….. and laughed.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Oh @jay6 I'm sorry that you get nasty comments. I know I'm quite fortunate that my oh is compliant and generally passive. . If I'm tired and get snappy he'll give me a snappy response but on the whole he's pleasant. I don't get a sensible conversation from him though. It's either amusing things or complete random nonsense ,sometimes based on TV news or programs ,sometimes just rubbish from no where 😊
I'd rather have random nonsense from nowhere than sit for hours in silence. He has been sat in front of TV now for almost 7 hours on and off, and all that's been on is BBC news which as we know just repeats every 30 minutes. Goodness knows what goes on in his head. I don't bother saying anything or I'll just be accused of 'picking on him' or 'having a go at him.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I'd rather have random nonsense from nowhere than sit for hours in silence. He has been sat in front of TV now for almost 7 hours on and off, and all that's been on is BBC news which as we know just repeats every 30 minutes. Goodness knows what goes on in his head. I don't bother saying anything or I'll just be accused of 'picking on him' or 'having a go at him.
I've been playing indoor bowls this afternoon and oh sits and "watches". Has random chats to my team mates who are very good with him. At some point this evening he'll likely say my sister was good this afternoon! Sister lives across the country and doesn't play bowls!. Even if I lose,did this pm , he'll still say my sister was good, same every time I play😂

We go out everyday and apart from bowls it will be dementia cafes ,singing or games. Made a couple of good friends there and we go out for lunch each week and the odd panto/ musical. A different life to what I envisaged but it's not too bad now I've accepted this is how it is. I don't think I'd cope with BBC news all day 🙂
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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
I've been playing indoor bowls this afternoon and oh sits and "watches". Has random chats to my team mates who are very good with him. At some point this evening he'll likely say my sister was good this afternoon! Sister lives across the country and doesn't play bowls!. Even if I lose,did this pm , he'll still say my sister was good, same every time I play😂

We go out everyday and apart from bowls it will be dementia cafes ,singing or games. Made a couple of good friends there and we go out for lunch each week and the odd panto/ musical. A different life to what I envisaged but it's not too bad now I've accepted this is how it is. I don't think I'd cope with BBC news all day 🙂
Hi @maggie6445
Do as much as you can with your OH for as long as you can. I'm sorry to say that it doesn't always last. My OH is now beyond outings altogether.
Best wishes


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hi @maggie6445
Do as much as you can with your OH for as long as you can. I'm sorry to say that it doesn't always last. My OH is now beyond outings altogether.
Best wishes
Thanks @Chizz, OH is deteriorating at pace.,sleeps unless we are out and even then he can fall asleep at coffee club. His walking is limited and he's now having tests for heart failure. He's had five heart attacks in the past and 7 stents. so I'm not surprised heart failure might be the next thing to deal with. . He's slept since teatime and I shall wake him for bed at 10:30 and he'll be asleep before me! He's been too tired for amusing stories, just had random half sentences and hand waving at teatime.

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