Another council in social care funding crisis


Registered User
Being in Northants I may find out! The Guardian article was good I wrote to the MP Andrea Leadsom.
So wait and see. We now have no transport, surgery or Library van. I thought one pot hole was the start of a swimming pool project!
I'm under a county council not a million miles from you @AliceA and am waiting to hear what happens to us. The bus service that used to run from here and passed mum's nursing home has already been axed, so I can only get there by car, and our library van has also been cancelled. Surgery no longer taking on's worrying to say the least :eek:
Lindy xx


Registered User
I didn't post it for political discussion, just to draw your attention to how much harder it is going to get in receiving adequate support from councils in the future.


Registered User
I'm under a county council not a million miles from you @AliceA and am waiting to hear what happens to us. The bus service that used to run from here and passed mum's nursing home has already been axed, so I can only get there by car, and our library van has also been cancelled. Surgery no longer taking on's worrying to say the least :eek:
Lindy xx


Registered User
Politics with a small p just means organising a society for its overall benefit.
So in one sense every thing is political just as everything is spiritual in the sense that in feeding physically we must also feed the spirit, a smile, a touch, carefully thought and preparation.
It is no good giving food in it original state, when we discuss 'food' it is the recipe and expertise of the chef we are addressing.

So being concerned when life lines are cut is a small p. Having to explain to the chef that soft food is more appropriate when young or old the person has no teeth. Explaining that without wheels a journey is impossible.

Party Politics are not being discussed here. At the moment I can not even think how to use my valued vote.
Even if I could here is not the time or place to discuss it.
Psychologically we have to work on ourselves to even understand the psychology of others.
What we do have to do is to tell the 'organisers' when things that work on paper are not actually
working on the ground. In that light I wrote to my local MP.


Registered User
Politics with a small p just means organising a society for its overall benefit.
So in one sense every thing is political just as everything is spiritual in the sense that in feeding physically we must also feed the spirit, a smile, a touch, carefully thought and preparation.
It is no good giving food in it original state, when we discuss 'food' it is the recipe and expertise of the chef we are addressing.

So being concerned when life lines are cut is a small p. Having to explain to the chef that soft food is more appropriate when young or old the person has no teeth. Explaining that without wheels a journey is impossible.

Party Politics are not being discussed here. At the moment I can not even think how to use my valued vote.
Even if I could here is not the time or place to discuss it.
Psychologically we have to work on ourselves to even understand the psychology of others.
What we do have to do is to tell the 'organisers' when things that work on paper are not actually
working on the ground. In that light I wrote to my local MP.
Well said @AliceA (round of applause!!!)
Making these points to the powers that be, is sometimes all part of looking out for each other, I think xx