Am Mad & Confused ! ! ...... Sending P M ' s .... HELP PLEASE !


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Everybody , Am :mad: & very :confused: this Evening ! , after "Logging In " etc correctly wanted to write & send a P M ...... so far so good ( joined T P 2010 :) & am ok with sending P M 's but not a real T P "Expert " when things start to go wrong ! :( )

It was quite a longish P M & did stop th make a Drink ! :) finished the P M & this where the problem started ! ! Pressed "Submit " & it "took " me onto the "Main Home Page " ( where New T P'ers have to join up ! :) ) Knew this was not right so tried again no luck ! Was told had not "Logged In" correctly etc , etc ! Which i had ! when you send a P M is there a "Timer Thing " thats makes you "Log In" "again ? The annoying bit was could "see " my P M ! but was :confused: on how to "Save It " Has never happened before or it might have done sorry not sure !

Any "Good Tips " of what to do please ? would be very grateful ! ( does not help tired & a Vires :eek: starting ! ! )

Thank you for your help

Best Wishes to you all

Love Grove x

Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
Hello Everybody , Am :mad: & very :confused: this Evening ! , after "Logging In " etc correctly wanted to write & send a P M ...... so far so good ( joined T P 2010 :) & am ok with sending P M 's but not a real T P "Expert " when things start to go wrong ! :( )

It was quite a longish P M & did stop th make a Drink ! :) finished the P M & this where the problem started ! ! Pressed "Submit " & it "took " me onto the "Main Home Page " ( where New T P'ers have to join up ! :) ) Knew this was not right so tried again no luck ! Was told had not "Logged In" correctly etc , etc ! Which i had ! when you send a P M is there a "Timer Thing " thats makes you "Log In" "again ? The annoying bit was could "see " my P M ! but was :confused: on how to "Save It " Has never happened before or it might have done sorry not sure !

Any "Good Tips " of what to do please ? would be very grateful ! ( does not help tired & a Vires :eek: starting ! ! )

Thank you for your help

Best Wishes to you all

Love Grove x

Hi Grove

I know how you feel. It happened to me the other day and for some reason I was 'logged out' while writing a PM. I opened TP on a new tab, so in twice, I then copied the PM and then pasted it in to the PM in the 'logged in tab'. Don't knwo if it makes sense but hope it helps.

I couldn't find a wya to save it either and it hadn't happened to me before. Strange things happen with this PM system I find, but then I get muddled so think it must be me but maybe not (well not all of the time!)
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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I write in Word when I can remember and copy and paste into the reply box.

I am sorry Grove. I don`t know what it is but I`m always losing posts too.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
This happened to me today as well - I also went to do something in the middle of writing, and when I came back to add my hugs etc and send it off - I was told I had "used up my token period" ( what ever that meant) and was zapped to the log in page and lost my letter - have learnt in the past for the need to remember me click - but for some reason recently TP doesn't remember me!!


Registered User
Dec 16, 2009
Sometimes if you use the back button on your browser, it will take you to the last page you viewed, which should have the text on.. so then you can copy it to your clipboard and start again.. :)


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
Well I do think this is a timing issue in that if you don't have "remember me" ticked you will get logged out after a period of inactivity. However, when that happens, I have found that if I follow the instructions given then exactly (i.e. click on the given link to log in NOT click on the link at the top of the page) I don't lose posts. However, I haven't tried it with PMs so I will do that and post back (but it will be a while because I have to log in without remember me ticked so I can be "forgotten").


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
So I tried to send a message but I was logged off and I got this screen.

Screen shot 2012-03-30 at 3.24.24 PM.png

I logged in using that screen, whereupon it returned me to my PM screen, and I thought "rats, I've lost my message". However, on further checking I found that my message was actually sent without me doing anything as soon as I logged back in. Grove, are you sure this didn't happened to you?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Jenniferpa , Many thanks for your kind help & sadly no my P M was not sent ( never tick the remember me bit ? just for got & thought that was just for your Password ! )

Did "lots" of silly things when saw mistake & it did not help had some sort of Vires :eek: ( me ! ) NOT the P C ! :) One of these days will be a proper T P "Expert" but a very :) to do my "own thing " for the time being !

Am going to Computer Classes so might ask the Teacher about using the "clipboard " ! ! ( Save )

Thanks once again for your reply

Love Grove x