Alzheimers client refuses my visits


New member
Aug 10, 2023
I really didn't think I would ever have to admit that I couldn't handle any of my clients but... I'm looking for any ideas. My client who is in her 70's has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and husband will not tell her. He has hired my to come into the home and be with her while he goes to work. I start off with shorter visits and then as time progresses lengthen them. He would like me for a full day but 45 minutes is all I can get from her to let me stay. Trust is a big issue and I realize that it might take time for this. I have tried to convince her to walk the dog with me, go for tea, help with chores and even tried keeping a conversation. I am met with excuses for me to leave and then eventually I am asked to leave politely. At this stage she can stay home by herself until her husband comes home at lunch but I'm wondering if the fit between me and her is wrong. I know this happens but I am not one to throw in the towel.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Could be any number of reasons.
What do you do in those 45 mins that she will accept you?
Could you just get on with chores etc, without getting too close physically until she is used to your being there, then extend it to her helping you, or going with you.
My late mother refused help in the house ( dad couldnt manage everything) Mum used to go and sit in the garden and not even speak to her, but it got better slowly.
mum eventually did engge in convo with her


New member
Aug 10, 2023
Unfortunately she will not allow me to do any chores and the husband is wanting me to just bond with her at this time. Conversation is my only avenue at this time, my client struggles to converse even if it is a topic she can somewhat remember. She just wants me out. I will continue to try and break the ice. And hopefully it will eventually melt. Thank for your advice