Aggression / sundowning


New member
Feb 18, 2023
My mum was diagnosed with mixed dementia (Alzheimer's and vascular dementia) at the start of this year. She was prescribed Donepezil and Pregabalin to help with anxiety and aggression. However she is still having aggressive episodes, which seem to occur late afternoon and into the evening. These are often for no obvious or apparent reason. Her mood will suddenly change and she will walk around the house, slamming doors, banging things, even hitting me or my dad. (I live in the same house, although my dad is my mum's main carer). My mum will say she's leaving or going for a walk. We've heard about sundowning so not sure if that's part of what's going on. It can be so difficult to calm her down, and we've read it's best to walk out of the room. But we are worried she'll hurt herself or damage the house. Has anyone else experienced this, what did you do and how long did the aggressive episodes go on for? Thanks


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Talking Point @Jo2023.
You're mum's behaviour sounds very much like sundowning. My mum's behaviour could be very similar in the afternoon and evening, though if anything upset her she could flip in a second from a slightly confused but 'nice' old lady into a screaming banshee at any time of day.
I think it would be a good idea to contact the memory clinic or whoever prescribed your mother's medication and tell them about her behaviour. Donepezil doesn't suit everyone for instance, and it might need tweaking a bit.
I think you and your dad should keep charged phones with you and have a safe place to go where you can look the door and call the police and paramedics if her behaviour means she is becoming a danger to herself and to you. It might sound over the to, and I'm sure that your mum doesn't intentionally want to hurt you, but your mother could well do so when she is in this state.
This is a very friendly and supportive site and I'm sure others will be along shortly with their tips and suggestions.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Welcome from me too @Jo2023

Donepezil made my dad unreasonable and aggressive at the 10mg dose although he could tolerate 5mg well. I know it doesn’t suit some at all so definitely have a word with your mum’s doctor.

My dad didn’t sundown and wasn’t aggressive before he was given more Donepezil than was good for him though. He settled down within a few days of his meds being sorted.