Advise for my dad please


Registered User
Apr 8, 2012
Hi, I'm new to this forum. My mum has COPD, a slow growing cancer in her lung and we think dementia has now set in.

Her short term memory is non existant and she talks constantly about the past and gets very confused. She also gets very aggressive towards my dad who is her main carer, often punching him.

My dad has asked the GP about this and all he says to my mum is "who am I and whats my name" she answers and is he is happy with this!

What can I advise my dad to do about getting a proper diagonosis?

Thanks Lynd


Registered User
Jan 19, 2012
Hello and welcome to Talking Point. I am very sorry that you have to find yourself here.

The advice I have read here about this problem - which is very common - is to keep a diary of events. Make a note of every incident. And then your Dad - or you and your Dad together - can go back to the GP and assert that there is a problem. And take the evidence.
Sometimes you have to be quite pushy.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
Hi Lynd and welcome to Talking Point (TP) :).

I'm sorry to hear about your mum, and sorry that the GP seems to be dismissing your concerns.

You might have a look at some of the factsheets on the main AS website, such as this one on Diagnosis and Assessment or this one on How the GP can help.

Butter's suggestion of keeping a diary of behaviour is a good one. You can take the evidence with you, or even ask the GP to read it in advance of the appointment. I think there is more awareness amongst GPs, but sometimes you do have to push.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2012
Thank you for your advice Butter and Sue38 - I will certainly tell my dad to make a diary of events so that he can take it to the GP and i will get him to look at the fact sheets you've recommended.

Thanks again:) Lynd