Activities at day care centres


Registered User
Oct 30, 2009
Hi all

My mum is at the stage where i am considering a day care centre. I am wondering what sort of things they do there? I'm sure they will all be slightly different but could you give me an idea of how they fill their days? My mum is not a 'joiner in' and I would like some idea of what sorts of activities might be available to her.



Registered User
Nov 20, 2011
Mum goes twice a week.

Typical day includes a 15 minute very quiet start where magazines and papers are given to everyone. The staff then make tea and toast for everyone. Afternoon tea is very similar and lunch is a 3 course meal.

Regular activities include exercises whilst sat in a chair, talking, listening to music, playing cards, dominoes, bagatel and a variety of other similar games.

Various guest speakers come in and discuss anything from farming, the royals, art, music, eating etc; you name it, they do it.

Production of a memory book is another popular activity, whereby, family photos are taken in and a book is made. Art is also very popular including paint by numbers, dot to dot, finger painting, brush painting etc.

Throughout the year, as cetain events occur eg easter,xmas etc various other activities are arranged around the specific season.

This is only a very brief description; in mums day centre, if you want to do it, you get to do it.

Most importantly, not everyone partakes in every actvity but nobody is left feeling like they have been left out of it as they use time like this for one on one communication.

OH and I attend a meeting every 4 months to discuss mum, her needs, her progress and also how we are coping as we are live in carers for mum.

Mum is a totally different person on day centre days


Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
Mum would go to the day centre once a week, under duress :) She would have a bath which is done by request. Visit the in house hairdresser, and have lunch. They had craft sessions, board games, sing alongs with actions, visiting entertainers. Mum slept through most of this :) and occasional trips out in the mini bus.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2009
It sounds great - better than going to work!

Thank you both - I actually think my mum might enjoy some of it at least. I can't call it day care so have been discussing a 'club' - she's coming round to the idea in principle so fingers crossed I can persuade her to give it a try.


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
My mother attended her first one today and enjoyed, but cant remember bless what she did. She is going back tomorrow for another session. She is down for 3 days a week but only have had a place for two days so far. Will keep you posted how it goes.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2009
My mother attended her first one today and enjoyed, but cant remember bless what she did. She is going back tomorrow for another session. She is down for 3 days a week but only have had a place for two days so far. Will keep you posted how it goes.

Yes please Hengell - would love to hear how she gets on.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
My mum did chair exercises in the morning and sand art in the afternoon on Monday

The sand art fascinated me. It was salt and she had to grate a different chalk into the different salt bowls and then pour the "sand" into a glass and make a pattern.

Something I didn't think mum would be able to do, despite being a very "crafty" person in her youth.

She thrived and made a very beautiful sand pattern in her glass.
Wish I had taken a picture, but I have the memory of her achievement.


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
Well mum has been twice unfortunately he cant remember what she did but she had a nice time had her hair done had coffee and cake was ompletely knackerd coming back and slept through the night lol. I did ak what they did there to the carer ther she said easy form of bingo, cake decorating, knitting and chit chats


Registered User
Oct 30, 2009
It does all sound really good to me. Hate to see my mum lying on the sofa in front of the tv day after day or worse, getting bored and taking herself on the train to London and getting lost (three times now).

Fed Up

Registered User
Aug 4, 2012
Talk thats what my mum enjoyed, out of her four walls communicating without a b----y telly.
She done all sorts of things to many to list but yesterday was exceptional, my niece came and is on stage in the West End. She sang for them and most followed her, mostly old stuff but it was great. It seemed to get through to mum she told others her niece (she's not its her granddaughter). They say music soothes the soul and a human voice is a wonderful tool in comfort. Remember lullabies?
My voice is dreadful but does it matter we can continue to sing along till she returns from tour.
So we can all get involved in activities if we have a bit of time to spare, I sometimes help them play cards( despite VD my mum still cheats) and take a treat in home grown strawberries etc. Dipped in sugar yum, and that developed into a chat about the Land Army and absent husbands in the war.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2009
This thread is really making me think that this would be so good for my mum. I was worried that it was too soon for her (she's still in the early to mid stages of Alzheimer's) but actually I think if I can persuade her to go she might actually enjoy herself.


Registered User
Jul 14, 2006
South Staffordshire
My husband's day centre had three separate rooms and each room had activities etc. geared towards the level of dementia. Gardening outside was one of my husband's favourite pastimes. They did simple cooking, reading, playing different games, listening to music, watching the occasional DVD, painting, drawing and model making and they were also open to other suggestions. I took a lot of craft materials in and they made some lovely cards.

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