A dreadful couple of days

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Registered User
Dec 26, 2015
Not entirely down to the dementia, but something we could have done without! Found mum very pale and very clammy in her recliner yesterday afternoon. She was still able to stand for a transfer though so we went onto the commode and she had the largest bowel movement ever - first it was normal looking, but a lot of it, and then it was diarrhoea. There was another bout of diarrhoea later. I was quite pleased that both had been dealt with on the commode so put her to bed and popped out quickly to get some food in - when I got back she'd had another bout in bed! I waited for the carer as I just didn't know where to start on my own, fortunately it was one of the very good ones and we got stuck in together, cleaned her up, washed her, changed her and changed the bed, all with her in it - would never have been able to do that on my own, or if I'd had to, it would have taken me hours. Thought all well, until this morning. I woke up around 6 and thought I'd better look in on mum - she had vomited in bed (thank goodness only a little, and to the side) and another bout of diarrhoea! Carer due in a few hours so I got her out, amazingly she could still stand, so I transferred her to the commode and cleaned her up, washed her, and then … she vomited all over the clean clothes and all over the floor! Waited for carer then to help me do it all over again. More sickness and diarrhoea later, but now the flow seems to have subsided from both ends. I've only given her water, herbal tea and a salty clear soup today. I really hope tonight is quiet.

I think I know what caused the upset, but I need to see the GP again about the amount she stores in her bowel - it can't be healthy and it must be really uncomfortable for her, but unfortunately she doesn't seem able to tell me any more, though I keep a record so I know when something's due. I've tried prune juice and that doesn't seem to work well enough to keep a regular movement through her bowel. I was using Lactulose morning and evening. Now, I don't really know how that worked, but just the fact that she had stored so much up, tells me that perhaps it wasn't working so well, or maybe I need to just give her a small dose, once a day. I took a photo of the commode pan so that I can show her doctor what comes out! I don't know whether an enema might be possible if I feel there's nothing coming out, or maybe I just need to keep trying different types of laxative in small dose, until I find something that keeps her regular. It's a real nightmare to manage! We eat a good, healthy diet - fish and chicken, vegetables, porridge/cornflakes/eggs for breakfast. I don't think I can really feed her more healthily, but can't seem to get her bowels working properly. She has no idea now if or when she has passed urine or had a bowel movement, and I am pretty sure she can no longer push it out. Poor mum.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2018
Hi Marnie, feel for you having to cope and your poor mum as well. Not going to be a lot of help, but, Lactulose shouldn't cause diarrhoea but it does loosen the stools so it is easier to pass. I sometimes use it as medication I'm on can cause constipation and have never had a real problem. I wonder if your mum has a bug or enteritis and this is causing both the diarrhoea and vomiting. Does your mum wear incontinence pads - mum is now doubly incontinent (she is in hospital at the moment and I know the docs have prescribed her something to help her go to the toilet more regularly) and they do help (sometimes) as mum is totally unaware that she needs to go or has been. I hope that someone else will post for you.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2015
Hi Jale, thanks for replying. I'm going to give the Lactulose one more try. I think this upset was caused by something we had for lunch yesterday so not sure what the Lactulose effect would have been if this sickness and diarrhoea had not kicked in! I'll wait until she's eating normally again and then I will go back to 10ml morning and night, which is what was prescribed (I had only started it recently). I'll see what happens and then go from there. If it doesn't help then I'll see the GP (with photos!).

Yes, mum does wear pads and I've become a bit of an expert on what works best for her!

I'm sorry your mum is in hospital, I hope she copes with it OK, we've had some pretty awful hospital experiences but I hope your mum's stay isn't too traumatic.


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
Hi @Marnie63
I'm so sorry to hear that you - and your mum - have had such an awful time. My mum too has no awareness of her bowel movements. When she was at home, she'd be constipated for days, and then....well, as you say, it would be everywhere!!! :eek:
It does sound as though your mum had some sort of tummy upset but that this has illustrated an underlying problem of constipation or similar.
I'd be in touch with the GP sooner rather than later, I think. These things seem to be best tackled early, rather than literally letting it back up!
Good luck, I hope you have a better couple of days from now.
Lindy xx


Registered User
Sep 5, 2017
Greater London
Hi @Marnie63
Yes as titled, a dreadful couple of days, for you and your Mum.
I hope it was caused by something she ate. I agree with you all not helped by being bunged up.
Same as @Lindy50 has said I’d get onto the GP now, keeps them up to date and you can tell them what you plan to do.
Take care, hope tonight is peaceful for you and your Mum. XX


Registered User
Dec 26, 2015
Night time was quiet, but then heard a shout just before 5 am (and thank goodness I did) - rushed down to mum, who was muttering "something bad, something bad" and her breathing was funny. Managed to get her to cough up some phlegm and then she vomited a little. Lots of gurgles in stomach so got her onto the commode and there was more diarrhoea, not very much, but glad it went into commode and not into pad. The vomit was very dark (sorry, too much info!), but there was only a little. There can't be too much of anything left inside her! Cleaned her up and back to bed, she's sleeping again now. I need to try to get something down her today as it will be 48 hours soon since she had anything to eat, but I also need to leave her in bed as she needs to rest. Hopefully the vomiting and diarrhoea will subside today.

Any ideas, anyone, on what to start feeding her? Maybe some dry toast (tried yesterday but she didn't seem to want to eat it, and it all came back anyway)? I have some flaked rice, so could cook some of that, mostly with water, maybe a little milk? I know dairy isn't great for upset tums. I thought I might try some tea today, with a tiny bit of milk. She likes tea. Problem is, I don't want to start up the sickness and diarrhoea again if I'm going to leave her in bed.

I'm very conscious that something like this could suddenly turn into a very serious downturn for someone in mum's state, and if it does, it does, there's not much I can do, but want her to be comfortable at least.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2015
I’m sorry your Mum is poorly Marnie.
Personally I’d ring the GP & ask them to pop out & check her out.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I agree with Cat Marnie. It might be best to get the GP to come out and check your mum over.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2015
Based on her being more settled yesterday, after the morning sickness and diarrhoea, I'm going to leave it and see how today pans out. I think her system is still purging whatever upset her. She was also still able to stand this morning for a transfer, so not that weak. I can always call 111 if I need to. I'm not quite sure what the GP can do, as apart from the S&D, she's 'well'. Hopefully things will start to improve today. I'm going to pop out when the carer arrives to buy some clear broth type soup. I think I need to get something salty back into her asap.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2016
(((Hugs))) @Marnie63 - just when you think things are ticking over....!
Really hope things stabilise for your Mum, just hope she's not dehydrated but I'm sure you'll be keeping an eagle eye on her.
Good luck and best wishes for a calmer day xxx


Registered User
Dec 26, 2015
Changed my mind again (I do a lot of that these days!), she looks so awful, stomach still gurgling away. I'm going to call the surgery in a mo. Forgot it was Friday (!). At least if I get to speak to one of the docs, then they can tell me whether to feed or starve her, and I can tell them about the dark diarrhoea and vomit. But I suspect, considering her condition, one of them may come out. We'll see. Her usual GP said that if she were to get very poorly, to call them, so I will!

Thank you for the words of support. This can feel quite lonely at times ...


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I'm glad Marnie. Even if it's only for your own peace of mind over the weekend.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2016
It can feel extra lonely when this happens can't it.
I know we're all thinking of you so you have lots of virtual support.
More (((hugs))), as many as you need! xxx


Registered User
Dec 26, 2015
Mum's symptoms have eased a little today. Had a chat with one of the docs on the phone and he recommended rehydration sachets so I gave her one today with a glass of water. She seems to have perked up a bit after that and has more colour. But now I have another problem. She has accumulated a load of phlegm and doesn't have the strength after all the sickness and diarrhoea to clear it with a big cough (which is how I usually encourage her to do it). I'm about to give her another small mug of chamomile tea, in the hope that the warm fluid helps to clear it a little. Any ideas? I'm worried that if we lie her down for the night with all that phlegm in her throat, it won't do her any good. I can feel a call to 111 coming on! I'm not sure how serious this is, but she now seems to have trouble swallowing food without a drink, and can barely speak. I'm not sure if this is down to the phlegm build up, or something else.


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
Mum's symptoms have eased a little today. Had a chat with one of the docs on the phone and he recommended rehydration sachets so I gave her one today with a glass of water. She seems to have perked up a bit after that and has more colour. But now I have another problem. She has accumulated a load of phlegm and doesn't have the strength after all the sickness and diarrhoea to clear it with a big cough (which is how I usually encourage her to do it). I'm about to give her another small mug of chamomile tea, in the hope that the warm fluid helps to clear it a little. Any ideas? I'm worried that if we lie her down for the night with all that phlegm in her throat, it won't do her any good. I can feel a call to 111 coming on! I'm not sure how serious this is, but she now seems to have trouble swallowing food without a drink, and can barely speak. I'm not sure if this is down to the phlegm build up, or something else.
Oh Marnie :eek:
It may not of course be serious, but it may......if I were you, I'd make that call to 111. Swallowing difficulties plus phlegm needs some medical assessment, I'd say xx
Take care
Lindy xx


Registered User
Dec 26, 2015
Thanks Lindy. Well it seems things aren't too bad, for now anyway. The carer has been and gone and mum did a few deeper coughs while she was here and seems to have cleared her chest a bit, at least she doesn't now sound as if she has a small pair of bellows caught in her throat! And her swallow improved as she continued to drink the chamomile tea. I got two small mugs down her and two Rich Tea biscuits as a bonus! No more vomiting and diarrhoea since this morning so hope that is easing now. We've left her head raised a little so she's not horizontal and I'm going to check in on her a few times in the night, or may just nap on the sofa downstairs so that I can hear her better if there are any noises in the night. She's so tired now that I think she would sleep through being left in he middle of Piccadilly Circus! I really hope things improve even further tomorrow, there's nothing quite like the challenge of extra issues at the weekend.

I'm exhausted!
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