56 year old with vascular dementia


New member
Hello. I just need someone to hear me. My sister recently had a stroke and was diagnosed with vascular dementia. She is 56. She can not walk unassisted. She’s in diapers. Some days she can feed herself and some days not. She needs full time care but was denied Medicaid so her boyfriend me and her daughter are taking turns taking care of her. I had her this weekend and I am overwhelmed. She needs to be physically lifted in and out of the vehicle. She can shuffle walk with one person in front of her and one in the back otherwise she needs a wheelchair. She screamed and curses if we try to make her do anything she doesn’t want to do. When I change her diaper she immediately goes again, on me on the bed on the floor. Two nights she didn’t sleep she sings and whispers all night long. Im exhausted. I work full time and have kids at home. I don’t know if I can do this. Her daughter and her boyfriend do not want to put her in a nursing facility because of fear she will not be taking care of. How do I get help when there is no health insurance?


Volunteer Host
Hello @Lisalouieagustin and welcome, this is a friendly and supportive group. Sorry to hear about your sister, and at such a young age too, and the struggles that you and your family are having. This site is UK based, and the social care, support and medical help processes are different here, but we do have some members who are in the USA so hopefully someone will be along to answer your question. The link below might be helpful too as it lists a dementia support line which may be able to provide you with advice:
