30 Years Old: Exercise & Bizarre Symptoms


Registered User
Jul 24, 2017
Hello everyone,

I am 30 years old and my complications first arose in May of last year.

I have always been an active person and used to pride myself on the boundless energy and 'cognitive ability' I took for granted. I would swim 5-6 days a week, have run marathons, WAS a high performer at work, whilst also achieving good marks studying Postgraduate Law. These changes have caused significant disruption to my life.

I am still a happy soul and not suffering from depression in any form.

Some context to the changes that have occurred:

Initially my problem was I was no longer producing endorphins post exercise (this is still the case). Instead, I am left feeling confused, anxious and my cognitive function is quite noticeably hampered after exercise.

For the first 6 months, I would have to sleep after exercise and generally when I woke the next morning I would feel OK.

This has recently degenerated and now, even after I sleep, I wake up the next day with significantly slower ‘speed of thought’, anxiety and confusion. This has lasted for up to 5 days at times. I have trouble taking in new information, problem solving, holding a conversation at the level I was once capable and my memory is hampered.

My hearing and balance is also at times impaired after exercise.

To date, I have searched hard for an answer to my problems. I’ve had the following tests completed and cleared of any abnormalities:

- blood tests / vitamin deficiencies
- brain MRI scan
- adrenal fatigue saliva test
- adrenal CT scan
- abdomen and pelvis CT scan
- cardiology ECG & exercise stress test

Dementia, has not been raised as a potential option by any doctor - at any point.

I have two core questions:
- Is it even possible for an active 30 year old to experience Dementia (i.e. what are the stats here)?
- Is a potential symptom of Dementia that exercise could leave the subject feeling confused / anxious / agitated?

It has always been my understanding that exercise improves Dementia, however am interested to hear if these symptoms sound familiar to anyone or if they might have an alternative theory.

Thank you very much for your time and responses in advance.



Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
Hello Phillip and welcome to TP.
I am sorry that you have felt that you need to ask here but I must point out that we are not Doctors and cannot make medical recommendations or diagnoses. We only have access to the same publically research that is available to you, so we cannot provide stats, only advice.
I guess that it is possible to develop a form of Dementia at almost any age, if the brain is damaged due to accident or illness, but it will be extremely rare at such a young age since the damage is more often age related.

Like I say, I am not an expert, so perhaps you might benefit from counselling or CBT. I do know that you can over-tire a body with excessive exercise and over-tire a mind with excessive worrying and stress and Dementia like symptoms can be a result.

Please keep in touch with your GP. Perhaps keeping a diary of your worries and symptoms for a month or so so that you can show him what you are concerned about.

Good luck.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2017
Hi Phillip

At least it seems your medics have been quite thorough in trying to identify what is causing your problems.

It might seem a strange question, but is your skin quite tanned and if so, does the tan fade away once the summer is over?

The reason I ask is that back in 2006, following around 18 months of gradual decline in my health, I was diagnosed with Addison's Disease. It's a quite rare autoimmune condition, in which the adrenal glands are slowly affected. The adrenals produce hormones that are vital for controlling blood pressure, sodium levels etc.

Some of the symptoms you describe I experienced and I see that you've had a adrenal fatigue saliva test. What the medics call an inappropriate tan, is a possible sign, though not everyone gets this and "foggy brain", muscle spasms/cramps and fatigue, are common.

Now it's highly unlikely that you have Addison's but maybe worth either asking your GP (though many medics have little or no experience of the disease) or have a look at the Addison's Disease Self Help Group website. They have loads of info about the condition, so you well be able to rule this out by comparing the typical signs/symptoms.

As has been mentioned, we are not doctors so make sure you check with your GP.

For info, ADSHG website: http://www.addisons.org.uk/index.php/index.html

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Registered User
Jul 20, 2016
SE England
I understand your concern about not knowing the cause of your symptoms, but I would have thought dementia would be one of the least likely explanations at your age.
To me, your symptoms of fatigue and brain fog suggest ME / chronic fatigue syndrome (brain fog is how people with ME / CFS often describe their inability to process or remember information). Contrary to popular belief, ME / CFS can affect apparently fit, energetic people, and is not just about tiredness. However, it does often include muscle pain and you have not mentioned that.
However, as the others say, we are only guessing based on very little data. You must persist with your GP to get a proper answer.
Good luck.


Registered User
Jul 24, 2017
Hi Guys,

Thanks very much for very for your responses, really appreciated.

I'll respond to each person & their thoughts raised:

Craigmaid - Yes definitely feel the symptoms could be as a result of stress build up / wear & tear on the body. I did see a Traditional Chinese Doctor last week and she suggested as much and prescribed herbs accordingly to 'open my lung' .. will see how that goes.

She also suggested taking it easy on myself (gentle walks only etc), resting well, eating well and nursing myself back to better health. All sounds very common sense but perhaps the best approach.

Philbo - Interesting line of thought you raise. Firstly no i'm not tanned am quite fair in complexion so don't see any irregularity there.

Had a look through the site you listed - does look as though my blood tests could have pointed to this or my Adrenal CT scan would have highlighted Addison's. Interested to hear about your path to diagnosis?

Ludlow - Yes Chronic Fatigue definitely another option. Difficult (again) to diagnose? & treat. Best approach again may be to head Chinese Doctor instruction as above?

Thanks again.

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