2022 still concerned.


Registered User
Aug 31, 2020
Good Afternoon lovely people. I last posted in 2020 with concerns about my husbands memory. We did not see a doctor and to date still have not made that decision. My family and friends are now starting to notice my husbands memory problems. A good friend a few months ago actually commented to me that he thought my husband had problems (he is a carer). He advised we see a doctor. My husband is now getting confused with shops. He went to a jewellers recently to see if he could get his glasses fixed. He has woken me up in the night on a couple of occasions as he thought I'd stopped breathing because I was so still. He asks me what is that green stuff on his plate and it's broccoli. I think he sleeps more these days. I can't quite believe what I'm hearing or being asked. I think I am in denial as to what is happening to us. Thank you for reading my post it just helps to get it out.
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Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Go to the Doctors.
It will take time to get a diagnosis. Then you will have a better idea of what you may be facing, and how to deal with it. Forwarned is forarmed.
Mean while put in place routines that you are happy with, including have people coming into the house, cleaners, gardeners etc, this so he will accept Care better when the time comes.
PWD's thrive on routine, so make it a routine you are happy with, set getting up, going to bed times, meal times, bath times, etc. It will make your life easier later.



Registered User
Dec 27, 2021
Good Afternoon lovely people. I last posted in 2020 with concerns about my husbands memory. We did not see a doctor and to date still have not made that decision. My family and friends are now starting to notice my husbands memory problems. A good friend a few months ago actually commented to me that he thought my husband had problems (he is a carer). He advised we see a doctor. My husband is now getting confused with shops. He went to a jewellers recently to see if he could get his glasses fixed. He has woken me up in the night on a couple of occasions as he thought I'd stopped breathing because I was so still. He asks me what is that green stuff on his plate and it's broccoli. I think he sleeps more these days. I can't quite believe what I'm hearing or being asked. I think I am in denial as to what is happening to us. Thank you for reading my post it just helps to get it out.
HI Shem56, I feel exactly the same. It's so weird when the person you've known for such a long time; starts behaving in this way. The bulb went in our bathroom today, and every time he's been in there he tells me the light isn't working, as if he's only just discovered it. ? It feels so unreal sometimes. I know it's going to get worse and can't bear it. ? We're waiting for appointments for the memory clinic and for a CT scan but I don't know how long that is going to take with the backlogs in the NHS. I know it won't change much but at least we'll have a diagnosis. I try not to think about the future and to take things a day at a time. My husband also sleeps a lot, which used to irritate me, but I'm glad of it now, as it gives me breathing space, although I do feel sorry for him that his life has become so devoid of pleasure and anticipation. For me too, all the things I imagined we might do after retirement, has been taken away and replaced with this nightmare. It doesn't feel like our life anymore. ? Look after yourself and know that a lot of people understand. x


Registered User
Aug 31, 2020
Thank you for your lovely message and I'm sorry you are going through this and yes life won't get any easier sadly. We have had our appointment for the memory clinic through but have decided not to go. We both feel that a possible bad diagnosis will not make our life any better. My husband would probably just give up on life and become very depressed. We are going to just to live in the present and enjoy what we can do now and go with whatever happens when it does.