“We have vows to each other almost every day” – Pauline and Hilary’s story


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Pauline and Hilary met on a beach as young women in 1955, exchanged rings in 1970 and were (in their words, “finally”) married in 2017.

Following their marriage, they started to notice signs. Pauline began forgetting things that they had planned, such as appointments.

In 2019, Pauline was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia, and the couple have shared their story with the Alzheimer’s Society.

“We’ve no doubt that the Alzheimer’s Society are behind us”

You can read their story on the Alzheimer’s society blog here.
Pauline and Hilary have also recorded a video about their experiences, which you can watch on the Alzheimer’s Society youtube channel here.

Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
Such a wonderful and moving story. And while we know that not everyone has such an uplifting tale to tell, it’s good to know that Pauline and Alison have been able to access such great care and support,