“Ouch, Ouch”


Registered User
Oct 14, 2006
The terrible nightmare’s taunt me relentlessly every night, and “apparently from what Sumi has since told me this morning” last night I was shouting out in my sleep when suddenly I sprang out of bed (still asleep) screaming out ‘Toilet, Toilet’ and went or I should say ‘tried’ dashing towards what I thought was the direction of the bedroom door. (I should point out that in the middle of our bedroom we have 4 lengths of thick ceiling to floor curtaining that we close of a nighttime to keep the cool air from the air-conditioning unit in the area where the bed is situated) anyway Sumi said that as I rushed in the pitch darkens of the room to get to the toilet I got caught up in the curtaining and my head slammed with some force straight into the corner of the teak wood wardrobe and I just slumped semiconscious to the floor!

The only thing I can recall about what happened was coming round with my head resting in Sumi’s lap and her saying wake up Baz, wake up Baz… as she bathed my brow and face with cold water and then putting me back into bed still in an extremely dazed state of mind. Thank goodness my dear wife is there to take care of me “Yet” its putting an immense burden on her shoulders day after day and disrupting her own much needed sleep although she never complains.

Did I get to the toilet? I’ve got no idea! But such can be the nightly scenario when you have Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s disease swirling around in your body and mind… and that’s left me with a nasty headache this morning and a nice shiny bump on my head

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Do you have nightmares most nights? They can be very upsetting, I know. I've had some unusual dreams lately which leave me feeling very ill at ease when I wake.

Can medication be the cause or can medication help relieve the nightmares? Why not ask your doctor if there is something that could alleviate and improve your sleep.


Registered User
Oct 14, 2006
Hi Joanne

Yes I have terrible nightmares every night which can be caused by all the different medications I have to take, in fact I have one medication at a high dose to try and allay the nightmares but it has little to no effect, all I can do is to try my best to live with the problem which the doctor says can be all part and parcel of Alzheimer’s and Lewy Body dementia


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Hi Barry,

I think your attitude is admirable about living with this disease. You have it and you do your best to help yourself and to inform and educate others about it. Some aspects of it seem particularly horrible and nightmares regularly must be very hard to live with. BUT you do but last night you didn't escape without a mishap.

You have been blessed by having Sumi by your side and she is blessed by having you:):)



Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
I'm so sorry to hear of your accident. What a shock for you and your lovely wife. I hope the head heals quickly and that something can be found to alleviate your nightmares as they must be terrifying and exhausting.