“Fighting On”


Registered User
Oct 14, 2006
Just lately I feel as though I’ve been drifting even further away from the reality of life, it’s as though I’m falling deeper and for longer into the dementia abyss each day. Now when I wake up at 4m every morning I instantly feel lost and extremely bewildered and thoughts start to bombard my brain such as, where am I, why am I here in Indonesia, what are we doing today, who are all these people around me... and then the normal daily dementia questions to my dear wife Sumi of, what day is it, what’s the time, have I had breakfast yet, did you give me my tablets, did I have nightmares again last night as I have no idea?

As the days and weeks progress I feel as though I’m become even more confused and by midday I seem to be in a world of my own without any knowledge of what’s going on around me and no recollection of what’s been said to me during the morning, and even if I do recall some conversations I then think that they were conversations of long ago, memories of my past keep pounding in my brain and all getting entwined with long-term and short-term memories but I can’t define which is which... and then as my day reaches early afternoon I start to feel the diminishing of the sun towards the horizon and the influence of Sundowning starts to take hold of my mind and body even more powerfully now making me sink even further into the dementia abyss and every sound around me becomes a warped anguishing noise and all I want to do is to hide away (out of sight and out of sounds)

To say that after over nine years that each day is now becoming an even mightier battle of wills between me and the illness would be a major understatement as my mind and body just wants to immediately give up and go to sleep so that I can get away from the bewilderment of the whole day “YET” from somewhere deep, deep down inside of me there’s a continua’s echoing voice saying (Don’t give up, Don’t give in... Keep fighting) which I’m doing my best to accomplish.


Registered User
Jan 11, 2014
Ontario canada
Barry, I was just talking about how amazing you are to my husband. I love reading your posts and I admire you very much. I have shared your posts with my dad and we find them very helpful when dealing with mom who is in a CH here in Canada.
I am so sorry you have to deal with the daily struggles of this horrible affliction. I wish I could make it all go away. I just needed you to know that you are in my thought every day. Much love to you and yours xo


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Hi Barry just wanted to say thanks for sharing. Its good to know from the other side. You keep fighting and take care. lindaxx


Registered User
Jun 24, 2013
Keep fighting the good fight Barry.

I just wanted to tell you that your posts have really helped us in caring for my MIL. She is not able to describe how she is feeling as eloquently as you, but I often think I recognise something in her that I have read in one of your posts, and we're able to understand and perhaps help her a little better.

Thank you so much from all of us. xx


Registered User
Mar 17, 2005
South West
Hi Barry buddy sorry haven’t contacted you for a few days one I didn’t have any new information to pass on and two I been very busy building,, just been reading your thread don’t know what to say other than personally I think you have doing great things Barry , obviously the brain timing belt has slipped a notch but only temporally I’m sure
I will email tomorrow

Cheers you're old mate


Registered User
Nov 10, 2011
Thanks for being there Barry

My husbands takes St Johns wort and that helps and I Put his mp3 player on when he wakes up and he quickly goes back to sleep at present he likes Neil Diamond
Warm regards Peace and Love:)


Registered User
Oct 21, 2012
Hello Barry

Reading through your posts are very thought provoking I look at my mothers expressions and even though she cannot describe how she feels you can see the anguish of every minute of her life engulfed in confusion. Describing your inner thoughts is so valuable to those whom have less of an understanding. Xx


Registered User
Jan 20, 2012
You amazing and courageous Barry to post your feelings in great detail as it may help a carer to care better for a loved one with dementia, by giving them more insight into the illness. God bless you!


Registered User
Nov 8, 2012
Hurray Barry.
I have been looking out for you on the forum and wondering how you were. Glad to see a post from you.

I know you are a master baker, so I just wanted to tell you about the most delicious sponge cake I tasted the other day. The lemon butter icing on top was made by boiling, then pulverising a whole lemon and adding it to the icing. The centre was simply lemon curd. YUM!


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