Thank you


Registered User
Oct 21, 2006
I have only just discovered this site over the weekend and have already logged on on numerous occasions. My mum has recently been diagnosed aged 61 and this has been the toughest few months of my and my family's life. I can not believe the amount of tears that have been shed and the amount of time spent worrying about what the future holds. All I keep thinking is that I wish I could rewind time to when we were happy, and even though I know people will say we will still have happy times we will never have that "carefree" feeling that you do not appreciate until it is gone. I don't know who to talk to or where to go. I am trying to be strong for my dad because he has enough to deal with looking after mum without me breaking down too. Ive spoken to friends who have been fantastic but I feel there are only so many times you can bring up the topic without thoroughly depressing everyone around you so over the past few weeks I havent really spoken to anyone and just tried to carry on as normal. Then I discovered TP. Reading all your comments and entries has really helped me and it makes such a difference to "talk" to people who sadly know all to well what it is really like to have a loved one snatched away piece by piece infront of your eyes. So I just wanted to say THANK YOU. Your comments have made a huge difference to me and whilst nothing is ever going to be the same again at least i have now found somewhere to ease the burden a little. You are all special people x x x x x


Registered User
Sep 22, 2006
welcome lillie

Iam glad TP gives you comfort you will find people on here understand how you feel and that in itself in comforting.

take care kathyx


Registered User
Oct 20, 2004
Hi there,

Since my Mum was diagnosed, I've gone through a million different degrees of sadness and anger.

Talking Point has been a great place to just log on and 'vent'/'rant'. I also read lots of posts.

The web is a wonderful thing and this is a great place to 'talk' if things are getting to you.....the people here have helped me many a time.

I hope it does the same for you,


Nutty Nan

Registered User
Nov 2, 2003
Welcome to the club, Lillie!
After several years I still need my regular fix of TP, for all sorts of different reasons - sometimes just to be among likeminded people, sometimes to ask for advice or opinions, and very often to remind myself that so many others manage to cope, often in far worse situations than our own.
TP has enabled me to see things from another perspective, it has empowered me to make decisions I never thought I would have to make and to fight for things I never knew we should have access to, and it always helps me to count my blessings.
Best wishes to you and your family!


Registered User
Oct 9, 2003
Birmingham Hades
HI Lillie
welcome to this big TP family.
As a man caring for his wife I have empathy with your Dad.
Look after him,he needs support now more than ever,I know.
Come to us whenever you need a moan or a rant,there will always be someone here for you


Registered User
Mar 13, 2006
hi lillie
welcome to tp
like you my mum is the one with dementia and im also trying to keep my dad from going under so i know exactly what your going through, i wish i could say it gets easier, but with TP to turn to you do feel as though things are not so bad when you realise just how many of us there are, there are some truly wonderfull caring people here and ive been glad of their advice on many occasions,
hope you get the same comfort that i do look forward to getting to know you.
take care xxx


Registered User
Oct 21, 2006
Thank you all for your kind words of support. I know no-one can do the one thing we all want and say that everything is going to be ok but knowing there are others out there coping with similar and often worse situations helps to put things into perspective and really does make a difference. Donna especially, thank you for your post. Knowing there is someone else going through the same rollercoaster of emotions is comforting, I hope I can offer others the same kindness you have shown to me x x x

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