Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Sigh mum starting to fade very quickly again tonight but we'll try to push on to at least 9pm if she can manage it. Oops got my orders haha!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Very active night!! Mum remains sharp however today and we're still up as I type although probably not for much longer ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Better 💤 s fortunately and mum remained in good spirits whilst I was supporting her last night with PVs. The 'light' is definitely on in the brain department, she's really trying hard to verbalise - a frustrating exercise for her but there is a marked improvement, very determined nonetheless. I often tell her if our roles were reversed I'd be a right pain in the bum to which she laughs. Those words that came so easily to her several years ago that mum lost the ability to sound out whilst reading are now not so far off and it cheers us both up no end we can have a chat albeit still limited somewhat. The physical challenges are still a distraction for mum and can impact her focus but we're persevering with a host of interventions to mitigate same :) I think we've both come to accept they're here to stay and rather than dwelling on what we can't do we're concentrating on what we can do. Very easy to get bogged down attempting to remedy all the negatives so we just changed tack.
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum just nodded for midafternoon nap, consequently premium chicken breast fillets in the oven to be paired with mini-plum tomatoes for dinner, smoked haddock (slightly naughty) also in for her fish supper later on. I'm sure there's other stuff to do but for the life of me can't recollect what so I'll just go with the flow peeps!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Mum just nodded for midafternoon nap, consequently premium chicken breast fillets in the oven to be paired with mini-plum tomatoes for dinner, smoked haddock (slightly naughty) also in for her fish supper later on. I'm sure there's other stuff to do but for the life of me can't recollect what so I'll just go with the flow peeps!
Smoked haddock sounds nice, @Eddcorner
I'm going to try and persuade my mum to have a lightly dusted basa fillet from Young's Gastro range. Trouble is, the answer will be "no" - it (nearly) always is. 🙂
I might just risk putting it in the oven with 🤞🤞.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Smoked haddock sounds nice, @Eddcorner
I'm going to try and persuade my mum to have a lightly dusted basa fillet from Young's Gastro range. Trouble is, the answer will be "no" - it (nearly) always is. 🙂
I might just risk putting it in the oven with 🤞🤞.
Worth a pop @Neveradullday! I rarely deviate these days as mum continues to wolf down her food but occasionally just occasionally mind I'll introduce something new texture/colour wise. Eight times out of ten she'll give me the big thumbs down however those other two times mum accepts, makes food prep a little more interesting for me!! Sounds a mighty nice dish anyways ;) keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 for you both my friend.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Swapped the chicken out for the haddock... disappeared pronto, still hungry so parcelled out the former - work in progress but that's going the way of the fish too!! Where does it all go??? ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum does like her paranormal programmes. There's a history of sensitivity on the female side of mum's family... the stories she used to tell me about her gran would make the hairs rise up on the back of your neck! I'm sort of half in/half out on it all, got a couple of ghost box apps and such out of scientific curiosity with some 'results' - hmm 🤔 I'd deffo come back to haunt some peeps if it's real... got a list haha!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum away for her afternoon nap so a nice bit of pollock in the oven as a change with some freshly sliced carrots on the stove, chicken breast fillet (yes again haha) already prepped and cooked for late supper. Purchased some chopped dates that are very toffy like in appearance, stoneless prunes, tangerines, peaches etc... and for me? Pepparami fire sticks ;) nice when wrapped in a cheese slice or two!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Can't seem to focus on my own personal stuff or a particular Tv programme/movie today, it's not for want of trying but just can't seem to get there! Easily distracted 🤔 however I am experiencing one of those very rare days where my mood is unusually quite low, can't exactly pin down why either... happens sometimes - part of the journey I guess. As I'm not an overtly emotional chap and my brain wired somewhat differently to the mainstream hoping for an automatic reset at some point later in the day haha ;) Wonderful organ the brain!!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Can't seem to focus on my own personal stuff or a particular Tv programme/movie today, it's not for want of trying but just can't seem to get there! Easily distracted 🤔 however I am experiencing one of those very rare days where my mood is unusually quite low, can't exactly pin down why either... happens sometimes - part of the journey I guess. As I'm not an overtly emotional chap and my brain wired somewhat differently to the mainstream hoping for an automatic reset at some point later in the day haha ;) Wonderful organ the brain!!
i tend to put some music on which focuses the mind. always works for me. crazy frog this morning with next door son singing along in his house.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Thanks @jennifer1967 :)

Mum asleep just for midafternoon nap, going try the music thing as we usually have BBC Radio 3 or Classic FM on anyways whilst she dozes... Always have the option of Rammstein's 'Rosenrot' or 'Sonne' although I'll need my ear buds for those ones haha ;)

I remember Crazy Frog - good choice!!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Banging music and mum's perceptive reassurance has sorted my earlier mood. Thank you Rammstein and Mum!!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Finally acclimatising to earlier nights and extra PVs, harder initially less hard now haha ;) Mum happy enough when I support her through the night with such & always much sharper despite being tired, importantly each visit is always successful. Consequently we're getting up a bit later so our daily routine has had to shift somewhat but mum taking it in her stride so far!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Breakneck pace as always, mum on point and keeps me on my toes! However we do spend long periods early evening now in the backroom following PVs to listen to music, sing, chat and/or recounting stories about the past (some Tv in-between). I actually appreciate these periods as we just stop, forget about my long list of things to do and take a breather of sorts :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Totally whacked out today! Still well positive on the cognitive front with mum especially late evening but obvs the physical challenges remain, I honestly don't think I have an inch of fat on my frame haha... who needs a gym eh? I'm still eating well albeit at mostly alternate times to mum (apart from breakfast) but burning it off quick smart... sigh and I was looking forward to getting a middle-aged podge!!

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