Music that we go to...


Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West
Just thought about how much music helps me and invite others to post music that helps them at times when they struggle. No need to write anything if you don't feel you can, just post the music that matters to you whatever it is.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2015
I tend to bury my head in nostalgia. The Beatles, The Mamas & the Papas from childhood and right now I've got an old Nirvana CD playing in the car. But nothing soothes my nerves as much as Glenn Gould playing Beethoven's Emperor Suite. Nobody else in my family liked classical music, so it wasn't ever played until I left home. The way Glenn plays the adagio here is sublime. Instant peace.



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
im more of a seventies disco music which is my go to. also drifters, neil sedaka, london boys, 2 unlimited and elaine paige.
anything with a beat to lift the spirits up. i used to like to dance as well with it but my back is too bad for wiggling any more but i did a bit of a jig in my chair.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
Current favourite is Beethoven’s Symphony no 9, especially the Ode to Joy. Moves Me to tears at times as we used to sit in the conservatory with a glass of wine and wallow in it


Registered User
May 4, 2022
Cast Away theme track by Alan Silvestri.
Evokes all the feelings I can’t put into words…
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Registered User
Mar 12, 2018
When I had singing lessons, I used to love "Memories". I suspect my singing teacher got fed up of me murdering it, but I enjoyed it!
Also love "Over the Rainbow", the Eva Cassidy version and Nina's Simone's "I wish I knew How it would Feel to be Free".
One afternoon when I visited my Mum, the home had an entertainer who sang "Over the Rainbow" with a Ukele. As he approached the final bars, one of the residents began to sing, in a sweet high voice. Before that, she had only screamed. He slowed down and let her sing the final refrain. We were all in tears.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
I also turn to Joni! In particular, Song for Sharon, Amelia, in fact the whole Hejira album. I still love Blue and Court and Spark but they don't relate to my life as much these days.

And Tori Amos. (Yes, I know lots of people can't stand her and I admit, much of her stuff is...difficult, but...) I love many of her songs (saw her live in Manchester several years ago) but often listen to China and Winter. This is an amazing live version of the latter:



Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Oh crikey! Just discovered Joni's Hejira came out in... 1976, when I was 16, though I didn't hear it till a few years later. Now I feel so old....


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
And this contains my Dave Gilmour go to guitar riff that makes my heart soar.

Obviously I love PF too @Dunroamin !
I watched a documentary on Sky last night about the making of Wish You Were Here which was fascinating. I've not listened to it for a while but when you hear those first few notes, you are transported...

Gilmour's guitar is indeed sublime :)
I saw them at Bingley Hall in Stafford many moons ago. It was just after Animals came out - the tour with the flying pig. (Fans will know what I mean!)


Registered User
May 5, 2019
Yep. Saw that tour plus a memorable trip over to Chantilly where they played. Their usual stunning laser show was followed by mother nature showing what she was capable of with the most amazing electrical storm. Also at Knebworth (x2) the first time with the good Captain (Beefheart) on the bill. I think the first time I saw them was in the Oval Hall in Sheffield - amazing as a small venue and so CLOSE - that must have been the 1970's I think?

On one of my last walkabouts, Roger Waters was in Dunedin (NZ) - also pretty cool.

Another memorable one (not PF) was a Moodies concert, again Sheffield I think. Also on the bill and unannounced were both Joe Cocker and ZZ Top.

But I have no idea what I had for breakfast :confused:


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Sounds daft but for me it is Karaoke once a week and Boom Radio (light) after she has gone to bed. Music of the forties, fifties and some of the 60s but not just the hits.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Sounds daft but for me it is Karaoke once a week and Boom Radio (light) after she has gone to bed. Music of the forties, fifties and some of the 60s but not just the hits.
not daft. i put music on most mornings and its surprising how uplifting singing away to it is. i used to like to dance but have to make do with a bit of chair dancing.