Adult bib?


Registered User
Dec 22, 2016
Has anyone seen a good adult bib,I would like an adult sized pelicab bib as that would be the most practical solution for me feeding bedbound mum.I haven't seen a bib that catches food like a childs pelican bib does,I have tried paper bibs with a useless pocket,I've had a material bib that has a useless pocket that the food bobbles over when it falls down,I have cleaned tea towel after tea towel which obviously still lets food run down to sheets and body.
This brought me to the conclusion why can't I have a adult pelican bib with a decent sized trough at the bottom to catch escaped food and it would be wiped clean ready for the next meal,so if anyone has seen one please tell me who sells them


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016


Registered User
Dec 22, 2016
Yes it does look good - I posted a link to the same one earlier on in the thread. Seems to be quite a delay with delivery though.
Hi thanks yes I wouldn't have known they existed if you hadn't given me a link,I thought to myself they must do but hadn't seen one before like I used to have as a child,the one that I bought mum a couple of years ago was useless with a material pouch that didn't stay open.
And you're right about the delivery it was posted from China,It probably took about a month