In Crisis & Just Don't know What to do


Registered User
Oct 1, 2017
Ok. I have been reluctant to put this on here as I am concerned other people involved may see it - but I am so desperate I'm "risking it."

My mum has vascular dementia. Her symptoms have got a lot worse over the last few months. Things go missing, appear is strange places, she has started to wander, leaving the front door open, aggressive to carers. She can't follow or continue a conversation and often doesn't know who I am.

Then last week I found out that large amounts of cash have been taken from her bank account by my sister. I reported it to Social Services who are investigating it as Financial Abuse. But their communication is not great to say the least. In fact the first question I was asked when I reported it was, "Have you fallen out with your sister. Is that why you are saying this?" I found that quite insulting, to put it mildly. There had been no fall out but I'd found some bank statements that had shown withdrawls of large amounts of cash. Then I found that mum's other account had been totally cleared out on things like £100+ at HMV. My sister doesn't deny it but says my mum said she could take the money. I rang the bank and the use of the card has been frozen.

Problem no 2 is my mum's deterioration. I am due to go on holiday at Christmas. The plan was my sister be there for mum. Following last week, my sister has said she won't have anything to do with my mum. So now I am trying to find some kind of respite care for my mum over Christmas so I know she is safe. But I can't access the money in my mum's bank account that still has some money in it to pay for respite care. I have my own money struggles so can't afford to pay for it myself. I am applying for deputyship but it takes longer to process than I have. I am also increasingly concerned that my mum may not even make it to Christmas before she needs to be in Care. I went last night and she was scared of the curtains in the house. She literally doesn't know which way is up. She told the Dr on Friday it's 1984. I am so worried for her. I've told Social Services my worries about Christmas. If we had access to the money, we could afford for respite care for Christmas or even now. Is there any way that Social Services make loans until the Deputyship is sorted? I ring and ask them but just get fobbed off. It would be easier if I had someone to help me - but due to recent events it's just me.

And my last problem is, how do you get someone who doesn't want to go into a Residential Home go into one? My mum wants to stay in her house and I want her to stay there. But I am SO worried about her. She has Carers 4 times a day but even they say she needs to have more support. I work six days week and am self employed so can't do anymore.

If anyone has any advice I would REALLY appreciate it. As you may hear from what I've written, I am at my wits end.

Thank you. All the support I've had on here has been amazing. So thank you all


Registered User
Nov 18, 2011
Monkeygirl - welcome. My god, you are going through a hell of a huge stress indeed.

First of all, your sister - I don't know how she could behave the way she has, not just withe the money but also refusing to help. It never ceases to amaze me how family members behave. It is also shocking how SS are being lax in investigating the theft of your mum's money. It is a safeguarding issue and very important. As you say, the deputyship and court of protection take time to sort out and i know you are very tied up as it is.

On a practical level, do you have a carer's group near you that could help with advice and support? Regarding the extra care that is needed, social services need to step up by providing the money for full time respite care while you are away - this could be a live in carer on top of the other carers, if mum will not go into a home temporarily. They do need to take her needs seriously if she cannot cope with the care she has. And there will be ways to get mum into respite care even if she initially refuses - I'm sure other carers can advise on this.

I hope you manage to sort things out and that you manage to go on holiday too. I know it's far from simple.


Registered User

I see you have already received some good advice.

In respect of Social Services and the other issues it may be worth your while to contact your local Carers Centre, who should be able to help in a number of ways (including with Social Services). You can find your nearest Carers Centre at the following link:

In terms of your mum going into respite care I have come across instances whereby people are persuaded by saying you are going on holiday, and it is a hotel. How successful this has been I do not know. But hopefully others can offer advice on this issue.
Hope this helps,



Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
hi @monkeygirl15
as you are applying to become your mum's Deputy, talk with the OPG and ask them what can be done about paying fees - I have phoned them and though I had to wait 20 mins (not long, I thought) the person I spoke to was helpful and clear
and look at becoming your mum's Appointee
I'm guessing that there is no possibility of your mum being able to grasp what POAs are (giving you her permission to look after her money and her health & welfare; that's all she needs to understand) and to sign them

I'm afraid that the money that has gone may be just that, in the past - your sister says she had permission; your mum seems to be in no position to refute that - so concentrate on the present for now, which is getting care for your mum - sorry, I know that's harsh and unfair

personally, I wouldn't be thinking of respite and waiting until Christmas - with the financial situation and your description of your mum's behaviour and the level of care she is currently receiving, it's time for her to be looked after 24 hours a day - as you don't have POA, tell her Local Authority Adult Services that you want an best interests meeting called urgently as you know your mum is a 'vulnerable adult' who is 'at risk' of harm to herself because she "has started to wander, leaving the front door open" and is putting others at risk as she is "aggressive to carers", and they have the 'duty of care' so will be held responsible for anything that happens to her - make it clear that 4 home care visits a day are no longer enough to keep her safe and "even they say she needs to have more support" and that as you work you cannot provide any hands on care yourself so she has no-one else to support her

the LA may not be able to offer a loan to pay for your mum's care fees, but they can agree to wait for fees to be paid until you have Deputyship and can access her funds - I am assuming that your mum will be self-funding? - has she savings left and a property to sell? (if there is a property, it needs to be mentioned in the Deputyship so that you don't have to go back and seek permission to deal with the sale)

if your mum is reluctant to move into a care home, might you be a bit sneaky and say it's on doctor's orders for the winter/there's some work needs doing on the central heating and it will be too cold to stay in the house while it's being done/some health issue is worrying the doctors and they want her to recuperate in a cottage hospital ... anything that might be acceptable to her - and don't discuss this with her beforehand so she can't build up resistance - keep any arrangements you are making under your hat so she doesn't become anxious

also, there's the AS Helpline who have a lot of experience and contacts to direct you to - do call them - sometimes it helps to be able to properly chat in real time

keep posting with anything that's on your mind


Registered User
Feb 6, 2012
Just words of encouragement. I ended up needing respite at fairly short notice to cover being on surgery cancellation list (I did not know when surgery would take place) and social services even in our cash strapped council were good. If father had refused to go with them then they would have sectioned him. They needed to assess him - to see what his needs were - and had to arrange a nursing assessment - district nurse came to see him and see what his needs were. They were kind and fine an sensitive to father's needs. You need to contact social services and tell them you will be unable to care between x and x. You might want to set the start date as some time before you go so that you can deal with any needs or questions before you leave. Might also think about changing the locks on your mum's house. Also make sure its insured while it is empty if at all possible. Will your mum let you go through stuff on the phone with an insurance company and then say that she will let you deal with it?