the long wait for something

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
@Muggers and @Jane3

I’m really sorry you are both going through the mill with parents at the end of their lives. It`s unbelievable how people so weak and so poorly can hold on to life.

It`s good to see you both showing each other such wonderful support. I hope peace will soon come to your mothers and to you


Registered User
Mar 18, 2024
i have no words , no response to anything for 2 days with mum, I didn't think I would see her this afternoon.
but she seems to be in no pian
No pain has to be a blessing, just hold her tight, my heart goes out to you. Xx


Registered User
Mar 18, 2024
@Muggers and @Jane3

I’m really sorry you are both going through the mill with parents at the end of their lives. It`s unbelievable how people so weak and so poorly can hold on to life.

It`s good to see you both showing each other such wonderful support. I hope peace will soon come to your mothers and to you
Thank you Grannie G, this is certainly a journey that no one should have to take alone, any kind word or support right now is priceless . 💕


Registered User
Aug 29, 2023
my sister is with mum at the moment i really thought that mum would pass last night, im due to go back at 8 until the morning, To be honest I am a bit scared. its always been difficult between my sister and me and that hasn't helped with mums care. She was mums primary carer as she lives close.
Sister has been really good over the last two months since mum had an infection and fall but now its close to mums passing I think she is breaking a bit and its difficult to talk to her.
i will be there all night on my own I am sure i will be ok once I get there


Registered User
Mar 18, 2024
my sister is with mum at the moment i really thought that mum would pass last night, im due to go back at 8 until the morning, To be honest I am a bit scared. its always been difficult between my sister and me and that hasn't helped with mums care. She was mums primary carer as she lives close.
Sister has been really good over the last two months since mum had an infection and fall but now its close to mums passing I think she is breaking a bit and its difficult to talk to her.
i will be there all night on my own I am sure i will be ok once I get there
I think at times like this you just have to go with your heart, every family has one issue or another but for now put all that on hold and just enjoy what time you have left with your precious mum. Xx
My day has been very odd, mum has just been laying there mumbling to a corner of her bedroom, eyes fixed on a certain spot, she called me a fool today which did make me laugh,she also cupped my face and told me she loved me, that made me cry, be thinking of you tonight xx


Registered User
Aug 29, 2023
mum is completely none responsive now just breathing, how much longer .
yes I worry about how my sister will cope when mum has gone,
thinking of you too and your lovely mum.xx


Registered User
Mar 18, 2024
mum is completely none responsive now just breathing, how much longer .
yes I worry about how my sister will cope when mum has gone,
thinking of you too and your lovely mum.xx
This is just heartbreaking, for your mums sake I hope it’s soon 🌺


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
God bless you both @Jane3 and @Muggers as you continue your vigil, and your lovely mums. Your love surrounds and supports them, and we can be with you in our hearts and minds too.