So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Just after breakfast I found out that she had completed all the Wordsearch books I had sent for and so I sent for 3 more from Amazon as she has really taken to them again but then I found two books she had rejected as too hard/small print and she got stuck in to one of them right away!

Mid morning we went to WelcomeMe group and made red roses for St George’s day as well as bunting flags and then home for lunch.

After lunch it was a drive to the Dementia Together Wirral, Musical Memories, and a lady singer and guess what? Pauline got up to dance and was very loudly applauded, absolutely amazing as was the way she got stuck into the WordSearch books after tea.

The mind boggles with the ups, downs and total unpredictability of the illness.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Just after breakfast I found out that she had completed all the Wordsearch books I had sent for and so I sent for 3 more from Amazon as she has really taken to them again but then I found two books she had rejected as too hard/small print and she got stuck in to one of them right away!

Mid morning we went to WelcomeMe group and made red roses for St George’s day as well as bunting flags and then home for lunch.

After lunch it was a drive to the Dementia Together Wirral, Musical Memories, and a lady singer and guess what? Pauline got up to dance and was very loudly applauded, absolutely amazing as was the way she got stuck into the WordSearch books after tea.

The mind boggles with the ups, downs and total unpredictability of the illness.
its good pauline seems to be enjoying what shes doing. good for you too.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
After a good mood week in spite of both having health problems this morning the dark clouds returned as she realised today is Daycare day and she just glowered at me as we sat in enforced silence. Then half an hour before leaving time she asked if I was doing her a batch to take with her and then proceeded to get shoes and coat on! I took my time as didn’t want to say it was too early but had to leave while she seemed compliant even if not happy. Took a roundabout route and dropped her off at which point in front of the staff she swore at me by way of telling me to leave! Anyway, when I returned at 3.45 and they escorted her out she was very quiet and I thought, ‘trouble.’ However all she talked about was the music being awful as all from the war and no good for dancing! Mind you in this she has my sympathy as too many venues seem to presume that as we were born during the war the music was our favourite whereas we grew up in the 50’s and so love old style Rock and Roll 😊


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
After a good mood week in spite of both having health problems this morning the dark clouds returned as she realised today is Daycare day and she just glowered at me as we sat in enforced silence. Then half an hour before leaving time she asked if I was doing her a batch to take with her and then proceeded to get shoes and coat on! I took my time as didn’t want to say it was too early but had to leave while she seemed compliant even if not happy. Took a roundabout route and dropped her off at which point in front of the staff she swore at me by way of telling me to leave! Anyway, when I returned at 3.45 and they escorted her out she was very quiet and I thought, ‘trouble.’ However all she talked about was the music being awful as all from the war and no good for dancing! Mind you in this she has my sympathy as too many venues seem to presume that as we were born during the war the music was our favourite whereas we grew up in the 50’s and so love old style Rock and Roll 😊
there is another thread about image of older people and that they seem to get stuck in the war years when some have experienced different eras and favourite songs.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
there is another thread about image of older people and that they seem to get stuck in the war years when some have experienced different eras and favourite songs.
This one


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
After a really nice couple of days culminatig in a swift trip to the shops and a lovely afternoon at one of our Memeory Cafes with activities yesterday, we shared a rare afternoon/evening. Quite simply, once home and time for me to make the evening meal we didn’t turn either TV or radio on and so it stayed with Pauline engrossed in Wordsearch books and me reading and doing soduko puzzles and light conversations, really peaceful. Today, as they say, is a new day and how! Firstly, and because of osteoporosis I have to give a single tablet with a pint of water all to be taken over half an hour before anything else to drink or eat which on the face of it should be easy but no chance and I’m back to being public enemy number one again. On top of this I have to do a weeks monitoring of her blood pressure and even though i use a wrist cuff for it there is still a song and dance and now the long silences and refusal to eat breakfast. I could do without the stress as my breathing is bad this morning but with nary a single visitor all week I doubt if relief is on the cards, hey ho 😊.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
It’s the ups and downs that floor you! Just when you dare to begin to relax, @Agzy something upsets the apple cart. I remember you talking before, about this wretched exercise with the osteoporosis tablet which sets the rollercoaster off again. Would it be possible to call someone else in to help with this, or would Pauline react even more?
Regarding no visitors, they probably assume everything on the ride is smooth this week. Please contact a family member today to tell them the ride is very bumpy and you need help. They won’t know if you don’t tell them and your breathing difficulties is a worry, and will be to your family.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
It’s the ups and downs that floor you! Just when you dare to begin to relax, @Agzy something upsets the apple cart. I remember you talking before, about this wretched exercise with the osteoporosis tablet which sets the rollercoaster off again. Would it be possible to call someone else in to help with this, or would Pauline react even more?
Regarding no visitors, they probably assume everything on the ride is smooth this week. Please contact a family member today to tell them the ride is very bumpy and you need help. They won’t know if you don’t tell them and your breathing difficulties is a worry, and will be to your family.
Than you DeeCee, it wouldn’t matter who administers the tablet it is the break of routine that seems to anger her and she also insists she can cope on her own, doesn’t need anyone, not even me to look after her. I sat down and had a chat with her eldest son about helping out options and since then visits have lessened! ‘Care’ seems to translate to a Duty Visit just about weekly and no suggestions or offers of anything more; very hands off it seems.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Than you DeeCee, it wouldn’t matter who administers the tablet it is the break of routine that seems to anger her and she also insists she can cope on her own, doesn’t need anyone, not even me to look after her. I sat down and had a chat with her eldest son about helping out options and since then visits have lessened! ‘Care’ seems to translate to a Duty Visit just about weekly and no suggestions or offers of anything more; very hands off it seems.
you have probably scared him off. care = responsibility, admitting there is a problem with his mum, actually doing something. mine need me to tell them what i need them to do and what they can get away with. mine are only in their 30s nearly.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
you have probably scared him off. care = responsibility, admitting there is a problem with his mum, actually doing something. mine need me to tell them what i need them to do and what they can get away with. mine are only in their 30s nearly.
I suspect you are right as I see their expressions sort of glaze over as I try to introduce mums care into conversation and the almost inevitable, “I call in when I can.” 😮‍💨


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Amazing change in routine last night and all because of new TV series ‘Red Eye.’ She saw it on the list of “my Shows” via remote and asked to see it, this being just after talking about bedtime. As I was going to watch it I set it up and we watched episode 1 and when it finished she wanted to see more and so onto episode 2 and then I had to lie and say episode 3 isn’t ready yet. She peppered me with questions throughout but somehow it grabbed her imagination and a far cry from the usual Catherine Cookson repeats! So unpredictable this rollercoaster ride 😞


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
What a great day was yesterday and so busy and lots of laughs. We started with Chiropody for both of us at 8.50 then on to our Tuesday group, my lifeline. We always start with a communal cuppa and chat and one lady was telling us of visiting the local hospital and being shocked at the casual swearing by staff and Pauline was asked if it happened when she was nursing and of course a very firm No Way! She was then asked what she would have done had it happened in front of her and immediately and with feeling, “I would kick their B****y A***s! With that we all literally collapsed with laughter and just so Pauline; wonderful. The afternoon was a monthly singalong that is very popular and good fun. It is days like this that help me cope by sort of knowing that at present the sun can shine into our lives.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Thursday morning again and Daycare looms and so she is really down in the dumps and refuses to acknowledge that she enjoys it once there. Constant complaint of being tired and not well and wanting to stay home and I’m presuming we will follow usual pattern.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Thursday morning again and Daycare looms and so she is really down in the dumps and refuses to acknowledge that she enjoys it once there. Constant complaint of being tired and not well and wanting to stay home and I’m presuming we will follow usual pattern.
you know that pauline enjoys it when she gets there. just needs to protest first.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
On the plus side Agzy, she remembers and knows it’s Thursday and what’s coming…. Being married to a ‘sulker’ you very much have my empathy and sympathy. I have found the ‘ignore’ technique works best for us (me).


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
On the plus side Agzy, she remembers and knows it’s Thursday and what’s coming…. Being married to a ‘sulker’ you very much have my empathy and sympathy. I have found the ‘ignore’ technique works best for us (me).
Yep, I used to feel so guilty about ignoring her protests but now it has become almost normal although guilt still lingers To be honest


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Via my phone I got the invites for us to book our spring Covid jabs but, as it had to be online I ended up with my appointment today and Paulines next Friday, although when I went to have it there was only one other there for it and so I asked if I could go home for Pauline and get it over and they said it was fine. So we are now both jabbed but once home she asked what it was for and I just said, ‘Covid’ And she asked what is that? For some reason this shocked me and I spent some time trying to explain what it was and what the world had gone through but she has no memories at all of any of it which while understandable has saddened me as I think another milestone passed by.