Dad's been in hospital since 1st December

Aqua Marina

Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
He went in after falling at home, has Alz and Vasc Dementia, walked ok with a stick beforehand. He broke a bone in his foot, was not got up out of bed for weeks. Before xmas we were told he has no sitting balance and could be bed bound now.
I fought for physio but during xmas/new year ward was locked down 2 separate weeks with norovirus. Dad getting more confused ongoing, infections.

Physio listened and helped, then got Dad walking unaided with a zimmer. He was moved that night to another ward to await rehab bed, more confusion,
I've kept saying periodically he looks like he has infection as he's weak or being more confused that day as his mobility lessened, infection detected, mobility better afterwards.

The Admiral nurse and Dad's memory team nurse said Dad's hallucinations were not part of his illness to ask the ward to check for infection prior to discharge to a dementia bed. Hospital had decided he wouldn't need rehab as the physio said he just needed more practice walking and he had been walking fine again with a zimmer.
I went to see him the 30/1 the night before discharge and asked again about checking for infection and nurse said she knew I had rang earlier and was on it.

Dad was taken to a care home the following day for up to 6 wks and seemed confused but I didn't know if it was because he was moved. Within a few hours he had fallen when walking with zimmer, confused and weak as he was found to have a UTI in A&E when re-admitted with a fractured hip, had i/v antibiotics.
After 2 days there he went onto a ward. He walked well on Friday and didn't want to stop. The care home were asked to come and assess him and went yesterday morning. He was sluggish, they struggled to transfer him with 2 and felt he seemed not well enough for discharge to a normal dementia bed.

I went in the afternoon, he was sleepy and he then was struggling following physio instruction, not even standing up, had complained of pain in his skull then later in his shoulders and my brother had to ask bluntly for pain relief . Dad's on liquid morphine. The physio said coz Dad's not walking as well as before discharge on 31/1 he will wait for a rehab bed now.
This morning he has been moved overnight to another ward and is extremely confused today, we weren't told he had moved. He looked ill and wasn't functioning as well as he has been, saying random stuff. I started all over again telling new staff that this wasn't his normal.

I don't know how much more Dad can take, being kept in hospital coz of lock downs, waiting for rehab beds, deteriorating before us, On Monday the ward staff on the last ward were all saying how witty Dad is and they like him.
Now he's a confused old wreck as he definitely isn't well despite the senior nurse today saying he's medically fit for discharge. They say obvs fine, bp was 123/57 and I asked if 57 was low, the trainee nurse said no, google says it is.

he's so up and down we don't know where to turn, the new ward today say it is up to their physio to decide how he is, no mention of a rehab bed.
It's just a never ending disaster, we all hoped Dad would make it back home and it seems so unlikely now.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Oh @Aqua Marina , your dad has certainly been through the mill, hasnt he?
Broken foot, hip and several infections will undoubtably take its toll, Im afraid.
It will be the physios report about whether he will be offered a rehab bed, so make sure they know what he was previously like and see what they say

Aqua Marina

Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
Dad was a bit brighter today, the new physio mentioned a nursing placement as it is not documented in dad's notes that he didn't want to stop walking last Friday like I was told on the previous ward or that physio there saw him more than once. They told me they worked with him daily and I have seen them work with him a few times.

I still feel he is getting over something which made him weak but as he's on a new ward and the docs say he's medically fit they dispute what I'm saying.
The care home with an ordinary dementia bed he went to 2 wks ago for a few hours, assessed him on Tuesday as no longer suitable and they said he didn't look well enough for discharge.

Dementia nurses keep saying he would not suddenly deteriorate markedly but we keep getting these dips and improvements every one or 2 wks. I don't know who to believe.

Aqua Marina

Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
I went to see Dad tonight to find him shivering and shaking feeling cold, head hurt, saying stuff like he's not well, I told the nurses who checked and found he had a high temperature.
I've been saying he wasn't well since weds but they all said he's fine, medically fit. 2 wks ago he had an infection when they discharged him and so he fell and 2 wks before that he had high temp when the physio said he wasn't walking right. Why don't they listen to the families?

Aqua Marina

Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
Almost a month since my last post, Dad is still in hospital, the infection was sepsis, he's got over it, as well as he can. A nursing home assessed him yesterday for a temp bed as he needed 2-3 persons to help mobilise/toilet him and they only want those needing 2 persons. Dad is being hoisted after the present ward not giving physio like the last one did. So I don't know if he will ever regain his mobility now. Does anyone know if any homes will take someone who needs more than 2 persons to help as I've been told it will be a struggle.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
This is awful @Aqua Marina Your poor dad and poor you having all this worry.

Have you asked Social Services about care homes? They would know what is available in your area.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
You have had a rough ride @Aqua Marina 😢 I’m glad your dad is ready for discharge.

when mum was first needing the hoist 3 people were required but as she was already in a home they got on with it. As the carers have got used to her using the hoist it’s now just 2 people so things may improve for your Dad aswell?

He may become calmer too as he gets used to the equipment.

Aqua Marina

Registered User
Dec 26, 2023
You have had a rough ride @Aqua Marina 😢 I’m glad your dad is ready for discharge.

when mum was first needing the hoist 3 people were required but as she was already in a home they got on with it. As the carers have got used to her using the hoist it’s now just 2 people so things may improve for your Dad aswell?

He may become calmer too as he gets used to the equipment.
Thanks, the ward are now saying to the nursing home if they talk to him first then he is more compliant after having it explained what they are about to do with him. So they can manage with 2 on those times. He had a high temp again this afternoon so another infection is developing again as he wasn't himself.