Welcome To My World


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
.. i am at the end of my tether as i cope with this on my own and only get to go out if i go shopping for 30mins.

@scout57 , I cope with my OH on my own too. We go to lots of dementia coffee clubs,games and singing groups. If you haven't tried them ,please give them a go. You'll meet others in the same situation, get support and understanding and actually we have a lot of laughs. These groups have been my lifeline.

I know they may not seem your thing ,not sure it would have been ours pre dementia but things change and you make new friends.

My OH talks some rubbish 😭very hard to make out what he is saying. Also double Incontinent but if I don't make an effort to go out I'd be so isolated and lonely xx